Sunday, 4 October 2009

Scenery Greenery-Part 1

I can't believe the weekend is almost nearly over, once more. I relish mine, and they always go way too quickly for my liking! And all the creative things I planned to do on a sunday evening are replaced with homework and getting my uniform ready.
I guess it's just Sunday Night Syndrome. Am I the only one to get it?
Anyway, here are some photos done at the beginning of the week- taken by my parents just up above my village in the hills. The dress is (unfortunately) my mother's. Although I'm trying to think of a way to smuggle it in to my wardrobe! She got it from Beyond Retro in London- She just happened to see it before me!
The jacket is hers... (vintage again) from the often mentioned Rosie's Stall in a nearby town.
The boots, well they're actually my mum's too! (Maybe I should just rename this post 'Mother's wardrobe'? Either that or I'll just have to blame her for great style.) I recently rediscovered them in my usual snooping through her wardrobe, having turned my nose up at them about 2 years ago.
The green hat is a vintage one found in a charity shop and the brown bag was my great granny's. (I like the detail on the clasp!) The glass foil necklace was also another inherited piece.
So I think that's about it.
Oh, but thankyou so much for all your wonderful comments on my last post of sketches! It's great to get some feedback, and I hope to post some more sometime.
Huge thanks for another few blog awards, I'm going to feature them in my next post. And more thanks to Jill for writing another lovely bit about me on her blog.

Scenery Greenery-Part 1 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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