Tuesday, 29 September 2009

The autumn blogger capsule collection 2009

1.) The Stylish Wanderer. She's the same age as me, and her style is so sophisticated! I really enjoyed designing the skirt and mesh corset, the colour worked really well. And I have something of a penchant for floppy hats.

2.) Cheap Thrills (Raez)- She comments on my blog a lot, and I'm a great admirer of hers! She makes you want to live life full of bright colour, and her photography is so inspirational.

3.) Pink Champagne (Adela)- Whenever she posts, Adela reminds me of some Titania like person. So I took some inspiration from that too (plus the ophelia portrait).

4.) Fashion Toast (Rumi)- Simple chic pieces and quirky vintage finds was what inspired me here. I wanted the details to stand out, such as the lace on the dress and the blue lining inside the boots.

5.) Sea Of Shoes (Jane) Well, of course the shoes were the main focus here! I love the Ruff Cuff shoes, just because I think I want a pair myself! And the fold over boots followed on from a whole themeof draping, wrapping and generally manipulating fabric.

6.) Fashion Pirates (Arabella)- I took her blog name slightly literally for the second outfit! But only the most fashionable of pirates would dress like her. The first was inspired by her "turn anything into an item of clothing" style. In this case, a lampshade!

7.) Lips of London (Nicky)-Only English blogger I chose actually! There aren't enough of us..
I loved that really British quirky style, and gave it a bit of a DIY homespun feel. (Like with the dress, I was just thinking of an old vintage skirt that you might pull up and cinch in with a belt.)

8.) Pandora. I guess I was inspired by that whole 60's feel.. And the pink coat is based on some fabric I actually own, so that one could maybe be turned into a real garment!

9.) Style Rookie(Tavi)-completely love her slightly wacky style, so thats what I tried to show in these designs. And those Clock Socks? I really want a pair!! All I need is some orange socks..You
may find me sowing felt circles on to them soon!

10.) Karla's Closet. Really liked her editorial style, and the skirt was actually inspired by the the pattern on some ornamental grass in our garden.

As many of you will know, I'm an avid young amatuer designer and when I'm not wielding a camera or wading in streams posing, I'm usually to be found with a sketchbook in hand scribbling ideas. My latest inspiration has been looking at my favourite fashion bloggers. I know that the 'blogger portrait' idea has been happening for quite a while now but I haven't (as yet) come across any instances of people designing specific outfits for individual bloggers. So this is what I've done! I have selected 10 very different bloggers, all of whom I admire and find inspiring. But it was so hard to choose! I admire so many more, but if I'd done all the ones I wanted to do, I think I wouldn't leave my room for several months! So I decided to plunge in and make a start somewhere... But this may only be the first phase.
For each blogger I came up with a concept of two outfits based on my interpretation of their personal style.
All sketches copyrighted to me.

The autumn blogger capsule collection 2009 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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