Sunday, 11 October 2009

Boots not made for walking

Hi everyone. You may shout at me for not being very responsive lately (blog posts and replying to all you lovely people) but please don't as I'm feeling a bit fragile and tired.
Two weeks ago we spent the weekend in Bristol with friends. City Life! People! Civilisation! This demanded.. serious boots (the kind I never get to wear in the rural hills-for obvious reasons.)
The aforementioned boots have been posted before, in monochrome, but hell they needed visit away from my shoe shrine collection! So off we trotted- me and the the topshop spiky heels to suitable locations in the city. Mind you, once I'd laced myself into them I realised that I was restricted to about a 20 yard radius! These are the pefectboots to admire, sit down or stand up- but not exactly suitable for pounding the pavements...
The hole in the wall provided a useful frame in a nearby carpark, and I loved balancing on the wall outside my friend's house!
The backdrop of the last boot shot was taken, barefoot, back at home, after an incredibly active weekend.
In the majority of the shots I'm wearing a much loved (to the extent that some of the buttons are missing) two sizes too big charity shop Jaeger blazer. It's belted in with a 30p leather vintage belt, also thrifted. Miss Selfridge knitted dress and favourite tartan tights/ indigo skinny jeans.
The final shot was my little homage to the shoulder pads of this season paired with a homemade lace t-shirt. All jewerelly family vintage pieces.
And of course, the boots! They were £20 down from £80 in my best ever topshop sale find.
I'll be back to normal soon with more country posts coming this way...

Boots not made for walking Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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