Monday, 14 September 2009

Homage to Ophelia in an orange dress (plus Q&A!)

Interesting experimentation with the image editing software on my computer. Not sure if I look a little too much like a cardboard cut-out?
Ok, hi everyone! Again, sorry for slowdown in posts and replying. Blame it all on school and me feeling pretty lousy with a cold! (Ooo-er! nothing to do with this shoot I hope..)
Well, these photos were taken late afternoon last Friday. Another advantage of living in the middle of rural nowhere is all the rivers and streams nearby.. (rivers and streams= near. Proximity to motorways and civilisation=far!) And we were so desperate to catch those last few rays of sun before it all dissolves into autumn!
So to all you urban street sylish people, I have no choice but to try out my own rural take (complete with hills and sheep!)
Recently, I've been looking at the portrait of 'Ophelia' by Millais. (And I do mean literally looking at it, I have the postcard tacked up on a shelf next to my bed!) I was thinking how interesting it would be to do a kind of watery shoot, especially with a floaty dress.
This particular chiffon number was purchased in Edinburgh in a vintage shop called Godiva, in Grassmarket. I was so surprised at the sale price (£10!) that I had to get it. I think its the really lurid orange 70's colour that did it!
Now,I do have to admit, I did suffer for my art! The water wasn't exactly bath temperature (freezing might describe it a little better- see the picture of me grimacing in between shots.) But the end images really made up for all that. I do feel that they're very ophelia-like.
The converses were from a charity shop, the scarf from my dressing up box (yes, I do still have one! I personally think everyone should..) and the necklaces are all vintage ones from different sources.

Oh,and also a huge thankyou to Jazz of for doing this wonderful portrait of me! I was so flattered when she told me. I love the way she captured the detail here.So thanks again!
Oh and one final thing before I go. (Don't worry, I'm nearly finished waffling on about things!) I'm going to be doing a Question and Answer post very soon, so I need some questions! Feel free to ask away...

Homage to Ophelia in an orange dress (plus Q&A!) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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