Today after school my mum grabbed me and said "Look at the early autumn light. Outside, now!" So we went up the lane outside our house and this is where we decided to do the pictures. Living a in a village in the middle of nowhere does have its advantages! The corn is ready to be cut down in a few days, so we had to act now. And in fact, while we were busy sneaking over gates and making sure we didn't trample any corn, we were absolutely convinced we could hear tractors and angry farmers raging towards us!
But it was worth it. Considering my mum is a complete novice with a camera (she only picked it up about a month ago), I was incredibly impressed!
The blazer here is one of my favourite things at the moment. It's a vintage eighties Jaeger one that I picked up on ebay for £5 (!) a while ago. I just love the detailing, the gold buttons and the embroidered logo. (This is the nearest I could get to a lusted after Stella McCartney blazer- but I personally think this is more individual!) I could rave about it for years probably, but that wouldn't really make a very good blog post.
Talking of Jaeger, I recently took a trip to Selfridges when I was in London. What my mum thought was going to be a quick look round, turned into a 3 hour trek around every section! But one of my favourites was definitely the Jaeger. One very 'I-want-it-to-be-mine' piece was this beige dress with black ribbon sewn horizontally across it, with bows made out of the ribbon. Simple, but so pretty! And don't get me started on the coats... (Especially not the one that Lara Stone wore in the ad campaign!) I think the reason I like Jaeger so much is that they use a lot of classic shapes and fabrics, so most of the pieces already look vintage!
But back to this shoot. The tea dress underneath has already appeared in a post, but in disguise! (The photos were black and white.) It looks really different in colour, and worked so well with the blazer. It was £10 from Brick Lane.
The hat is another inherited one fom my maternal great-granny, and the bag was hers too I think.. The Yves Saint Laurent scarf was found in a specialist charity shop. The gold pendant necklace was from my paternal grandmother, the other my mother's. So I'm, wearing lots of family owned items in this post! I think the shoes were bought on sale from somewhere.
Sorry for the recent slowdown in posts and replying. I went back to school on tuesday (starting my GCSEs!) and am still recovering from having to get up so early. But I'll try and catch up over the weekend :)
Hope you enjoy!
Oh, and I'm going to be doing a Question and Answer post very soon, so feel free to ask something!
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