Friday, 14 August 2009

Colourful Creations

These pictures are from a shoot I did yesterday with my friend flo. We trekked up to a local arboretum in the grounds of a small stately home... This is what my dream garden would look like! What a completely amazing location. In all, we shot 4 different outfits. So this is the first of 4 posts!
The black dress was made/ customised by me. It was originally a long skirt owned by my grandma. I found it in my dressing box (best source of interesting clothes!) a few months ago, and the elastic had lost all stretch around the waistline. So I just cut two arm holes in the sides and added a belt! (Incidentally, the belt being one my mum bought from a charity shop when she was in her teens..) The rainbow striped cardigan/ top was found in my grandmother's attic when her house was being cleared. We think it might actually have been made by her. The white brogues are from ebay. (My second favourite place to find unique things-after charity shops of course!)
This glass table was so beautiful, I especially like the metal legs.
I'll be away for a few days now (Wales!) but will be looking forward to catching up when I get back.

Colourful Creations Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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