Nursing Diagnosis for Plan Tuberculosis (TB) : Ineffective airway clearance related to the accumulation of purulent secretions in the airway.
Goal: Airway clearance back effectively.
Nursing Interventions:
- Assess respiratory function, for example; breath sounds, speed and rhythm.
- Give the patient semi-Fowler's position or high Fowler effectively assist the patient to cough and deep breathing exercises.
- Maintain fluid intake at least 2500 ml / day, except, contra indications.
- Collaboration for the administration of drugs according to indications, mucolytic drugs.
- Decreased breath sounds may indicate atelectasis, crackles, wheezing showed accumulation of secretions inability to clean the airway.
- The position helps maximize lung expansion and lower respiratory effort.
- High input of fluids helps to thin the secretions, making it easily removed.
- Mucolytic agents decrease the viscosity and adhesion of lung secretions for easy cleaning.
Nursing Diagnosis for Plan Tuberculosis (TB) : Imbalanced Nutrition Less than Body Requirements related to the production of sputum, anorexia.
Goal: Demonstrate increased weight.
Nursing Interventions:
- Record the patient's nutritional status, record of skin turgor, weight and degree of underweight, ability / inability to swallow, a history of nausea-vomiting.
- Supervise the input or output and weight periodically.
- Provide oral care before and after the act of breathing.
- Encourage eating little and often with foods high in calories and high in protein.
- Collaboration with a nutritionist to determine the composition of the diet.
- Useful in defining the degree / problems in determining appropriate intervention options.
- Useful in measuring the effectiveness of nutrition and fluid support.
- Lowering bad taste because the rest of the sputum or leftover medicines.
- Maximize nutrient inputs as energy needs and decrease gastric irritation.
- Provide assistance in planning a diet with adequate nutrients for metabolic and dietary needs.
Nursing Diagnosis for Plan Tuberculosis (TB) : Knowledge Deficit: on the conditions, rules of action and displacement.
Goal: To declare understanding of disease processes / prognosis and treatment needs.
Nursing Interventions:
- Assess the patient's ability to learn. Example: the problem of weakness, the level of participation and the best environment.
- Emphasize the importance of maintaining a high protein and carbohydrate diet and adequate fluid intake.
- Explain the drug dose, frequency, expected work and long treatment reasons
- Emphasize to not drink alcohol and do not smoke.
- Learning depends on the emotional and physical readiness improved in individual stages.
- Meet the metabolic needs, help minimize the weaknesses and improve healing.
- Increase cooperation in the treatment program and prevent withdrawal of the drug.
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