Monday, 13 October 2014

MVNHS© and CanuckCare Update

Speaking of socialized medicine, here are two items from systems upon which The ObamaTax is modeled, in case you were wondering what our own health care will work:

"A premature baby who was given little chance of survival when he was born at 23 weeks has celebrated his first birthday."

That's the good news. His parents had been advised that he most likely wouldn't survive birth. And there's where things went sideways:

"The couple also claim that they were told they would receive no medical support if the baby weighed less than 1lb."

Such is life under government-run healthcare.

Another great feature of socialized medicine is the shortage of timely care. We're seeing this already under O'Care; it's only going to get worse from here.

But all is not necessarily lost - perhaps we can take a lesson from our Neighbors to the North©. Having to live with their own version, they've developed some interesting work-arounds. For example:

"Since 2003, Timely Medical Alternatives has been developing a network of over 20 facilities throughout Canada & the U.S., to help our clients access timely surgery at affordable prices."

Basically a medical tourism travel agency. No word yet on when they're opening their US branch(es).

[Hat Tip: FoIB Peter K]

MVNHS© and CanuckCare Update Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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