It only seemed fitting having Cheryle over as our first dinner guest because without her help, where would we be? The table, covered in so many photos with the quilt, reclaimed it's former role as a dining space.
Finally, we had a good long chat with Matt and Tom, with Tom wanting a tour of the kitchen, albeit on my phone. He, like probably all of you, is slightly skeptical that I can keep the spice cabinet looking like this:
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.......
When Fallon and Bill came by I mentioned to Fallon that maybe having the spices and all my magnets in one corner was a wee bit much? Her response? In her opinion it gives my kitchen character--just what I wanted to hear! Some people, while traveling bring home souvenirs; me, I bring home magnets!
I mentioned that B needed some saw sharpening done, so he took his blades to Dan's Saw Sharpening on Orange Avenue.
The router blade shown needed it as well after all that drawer making! There's a funny story about that saw......when we were so very young, I wanted to have a baby, while B wanted a table saw, so we decided to have both! Thus, Matthew was born 38 years ago, as was the table saw he is still using.
I mentioned the constant rain during our project, and I was not exaggerating--the rainiest September in a century. The pool looked mostly like this during the month.
It is sad because usually September is such a great month for swimming, however, I was in it only briefly, mostly after mowing the lawn because it was still very hot in spite of the rain. We finally left the house to do a few errands, one of which was a trip to Ikea, naturally, after a downpour.
I picked up some very, very thin plastic cutting boards to use in lieu of shelf paper, or make that drawer paper. At one dollar a piece they are quite the bargain and can be removed for cleaning. Whether I will ever actually do that remains to be seen! While we were in the vicinity we popped into Kirklands to see one of my pieces which I'd seen on their website while fooling around on the iPad. In truth, my version is color so the credit goes to the great team at SD.
My friend Karen will recognize this one, except she has the original version. Some of the artists are not happy with any changes to their work, however, I'm not one of them. I've always wanted an editor and now I have one!
Also, while we were working in the kitchen, our new WaWa opened! You may recall that we learned to love WaWa while working over at Bill's house for all those days.
You can't beat their sandwich options!
Dana asked if I would take some photos at the building she manages, archiving the look of the Church Street Exchange before the escalators are removed, in fact that is happening today.
Finally, life is coming back to the building with multiple tech companies moving in, one of which rented the entire second floor. Back in the day, this was quite a place, however, in more recent years it has been mostly vacant.
It was good to see it being used once again albeit in an entirely different way. Shops and tourists packed the space before Disney and Universal discovered that if they built their own nighttime spots, people would come, and they did, leaving Church Street a ghost town.
It seems as if as quickly as I noticed my hair falling out, it has stopped, or at least slowed way down. Perhaps Pam's sister was right after all. While we were working away in the kitchen, our cardinals quit losing their feathers as well, looking mighty sharp don't you think?
So, here's the Mrs.
I could not resist posting the above photo! I've never actually gotten one from the back, in spite of taking hundreds of cardinal photos. I just love that little shot of red! Here she is from the front.
What else is new? FSU won on Saturday, not looking one bit like a championship team, AND, we had a cold snap!! The market was packed with people enjoying what we call chilly weather and the abundant sunshine.
Now we are all caught up! Can you stand one more photo of the kitchen? Please say that you can.
Happy days are here!
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