It all started with a failed website (that STILL isn't fixed), followed by lack of full disclosure about
As bad as that is, how would you feel if you worked very hard for 5 months, investing not only your time but money, only to later discover you would not be paid for your efforts.
Six brokers filed a lawsuit Tuesday in Clark County District Court, seeking class-action status for their claim that the Silver State Health Insurance Exchange and its website contractor, Xerox, have failed to pay commissions on coverage they sold through the exchange’s Nevada Health Link website.
The brokers are Patrick Casale, Mary Elsberry, Dwight Mazzone and Jeremy Shugarman of Clark County, and Grace Butler and Andrew Perwein of Washoe County.
Matt Callister, an attorney representing the brokers, said the six are collectively owed “a very significant amount well in excess of $200,000.”
Applicants that never received their policies, who can't find participating providers, and can't get their claims paid have company.
Like a bad penny, Obamacare problems just won't go away.
Meanwhile, out on the golf course ................
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