Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Surprise, surprise, suprise! [UPDATED]

Or maybe not:

"More than 2 million people who got health insurance under [the ObamaTax] have data discrepancies that could jeopardize coverage ... About 1 in 4 people who signed up have discrepancies"


Just. Wow.

Here's the thing: all these people think they have insurance (well, such as it is). Presumably most of them aren't going to the doc every day, so it may be a while until they find out that things are amiss.

What happens if that's in the ER after a heart attack?

Or the OR for that unscheduled caesarian?

Or at CVS for the insulin that just ran out?

Think those might cause some issues?

UPDATE: A reader points out (correctly), that the linked article is unhelpful as to the nature of the "discrepancies." While the point of this post was primarily to underscore the implications of them, it's a fair cop.

So, after a little digging, we found additional details:

"For consumers, a discrepancy means that the information they supplied, subject to perjury laws, does not match what the government has on record ... Most of the data conflicts involve important details on income, citizenship and immigration status — which affect eligibility and subsidies."

So it seems that this isn't about misstating age or location, but income and citizenship status. This is potentially explosive, because of the perjury issues, but also whether the coverage was ever actually in force.

Thanks, Matt, for the nudge!

Surprise, surprise, suprise! [UPDATED] Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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