Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Fish in a barrel

Our good friend Holly R tips us to this leading question:

"Want to learn the lessons from the team that fixed [the] healthcare.gov  site?"

That teaser came with a link to a story purporting to delineate the great strides made by the folks behind the 404Care.gov site "fix." It's a reprint of a Time Magazine whitewash article "Inside the nightmare launch of HealhCare.gov [sic] and the team that figured out how to fix it."

It reads like a breathless whodunit, and introduces us to the geek dream team of "Obama campaign veteran, Mikey Dickerson ... and Jini Kim, a former Google product manager ... New Relic's software analytics suite was part of the group's “tech surge” and was “a key tool that led to several fixes, including a new feature that alerts consumers via email when the exchange is available to process their requests.”

Yowza, I can hardly wait!

Just a couple questions, though. Did this "fix" actually address, let alone resolve:

1 - The fact that the "Obama administration is contacting hundreds of thousands of people with subsidized health insurance to resolve questions about their eligibility, as consumer advocates express concern that many will be required to repay some or all of the subsidies?"


2 - The Rube Goldberg system that ostensibly verifies one's Exchange info?


3 - The fact that if one "is enrolled in both a medical and dental plan through the Marketplace, termination of one plan automatically terms the other, even if the plans are through different carriers?"


4 - That "[m]ore than 2 million people who got health insurance under [the ObamaTax] have data discrepancies that could jeopardize coverage ... About 1 in 4 people who signed up have discrepancies?"


5 - What happens if your sex is incorrectly identified, and you're cut off from your meds as a result?


Yeah, thought so. Great team you've got there, Sparky.

Fish in a barrel Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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