You run across this report on the Obamacare SNAFU:
The full extent of the failure, however, is reflected in the details provided by the Judicial Watch FOIA document revelations. They include:
- On October 1, there were 43,208 accounts created and 1 enrollment.
- As of October 31, 2013, there were 1,319,425 accounts created nationwide -- but only 30,512 actual enrollments in Obamacare.
- On October 1, 2013, at the end of the first day (4:30), the Senior Advisor at Center forConsumer Information and Insurance Oversight, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Brigid M. Russell, sent out an email to her staff with a subject line celebrating "2 enrollments!" The body copy of the email read: "We have our second official FFM enrollment! The first two Form 834s sent out are to: 1) CareSource in Ohio, 2) BCBS of North Carolina
Keep in mind that enrollment means someone selected a plan and put it in their shopping cart. It doesn't mean they actually applied for coverage ..................... or paid their premium.
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