Sunday, 16 June 2013

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time my paying job was taking x-rays. Multiple thousands of x-rays have my initials on them over my thirty plus year career. Sometimes it was gory, sometimes messy, and sometimes scary. Not to mention the responsibility! It was a job not clearly understood by the general populace,  however, come to think of it, undoubtedly, that is true of most jobs. For sure, I was one of those people who had not a clue what I would be doing when I entered x-ray school at the ripe old age of 17. Maybe it is because it is Father's Day, or maybe it is because of two different women asking me yesterday about selling photography, whatever the reason, I'm feeling a little nostalgic about things.

You see, after twenty four months of schooling, really pretty much slave labor, I mostly knew what I was doing. Are you wondering why in the world I went into a science field? You should because I'm horrible at science! I chose that field because the school was cheap, and it would allow me to move back to Orlando after having had to move to Melbourne following tenth grade. My Dad did not think girls needed to go to college, but I had to do something after high school! The two year tuition was $100, and the books were $125. Imagine that! No spring breaks, no vacations, nothing like that went on. 40+ hours a week, week in and week out. Working on the "floor" all morning, we had school all afternoon. Nothing in those days was automatic, so there was much to learn about barium enemas, carotid arteriograms, voiding cystograms, and the list went on. See what I mean? And you thought it was mostly broken bone pictures! Maybe you didn't, but I, for one, did. Never did I imagine I would be giving people enemas with a white liquid, followed by a series of x-rays, each one a different position and technique. Oftentimes, followed by a big mess on either my table, or floor. I could not blame the patient one bit as it is very, very difficult procedure to go through. Watching an autopsy? You bet! Fainting while watching a spinal tap? You bet! Petrified when the neurosurgeon injected dye straight into the carotid arteries and being responsible for the timed x-rays? You bet!

Most of what I learned is passee today; ultrasound, MRI, CAT scans, and the like have made so many procedures easier. More expensive? Yes, but easier on both the technologist, and the patient. All of that equipment has been invented since I began back in 1971. Furthermore, most all modern x-ray equipment is both digital and automatic. No more remembering stuff like the technique for an RAO abdomen: 300 MAS, 1/2 second, and 75KVP! Those kinds of numbers we had to memorize for hundreds of procedures! Can you blame me for mostly using my digital camera on automatic? I tell you, it's a Godsend!

Instead of a nice air-conditioned room, albeit small, I now am out in the elements, either selling, or taking photographs. I'm not complaining mind you, but as I told the women, it is harder than it looks. One of them thought the getting started part would be the hardest, to which I replied, no, it's the keeping going part that is hard. The excitement of a new venture eventually wears off, and the cold hard facts of having to promote yourself constantly, endure adverse weather conditions on a regular basis, along with indifference to your, what you think, fantastic product, overtime can be slightly overwhelming. That said, I don't want to go back in time at all!

Just as I've become something new, look what happens to a gerbera daisy?

Nearly unrecognizable, right? That's me. No more uniforms for me--it's sundresses all the way!

Out and about on my bicycle this week I saw a few things to show you.
How do people think these things up? I heard the dog on the property, and although I can't swear to it, the bark sounds a lot like Baxters. :)

The crepe myrtles are all in bloom, gracing yards and roadways with their colorful blossoms.
Riding by the white one, I couldn't help but think of something I've read in a book before: pregnant with blossoms. Seriously full.

Guess what this is:
Sugar cane! My sister Maureen's friend owns a sugar plantation, and after seeing these stalks, I feel for her workers. It must be very hard work cutting these down. Thank you, whomever you are, for doing this hard work for the rest of us. Talk about adverse weather conditions! Imagine working in those fields.

Packing my car yesterday morning, it felt like it could rain any minute. Still the forecast was for mostly clear skies so off I went. Along the way the sky looked like this:
However, eventually the sun prevailed, and we were only hot, not wet! Another horrible day, but at least I was near friends. Speaking of friends, Ken and Jim loaned me a light-weight tent to use at Winter Garden! It is very blue.
No wonder I didn't sell much what with that wrinkled tablecloth! Looks horrible doesn't it? The summer fruit is filling the market--oh how I love nectarines.
Plums? Not really.

Just thought I'd throw the pampered dog picture in there! Seriously, if they are too weak or old to walk through the market, why not just leave them home?

My darling Bruce is setting up my tent as I type. We've scaled back our display for the summer, not because we necessarily want to, but it sure is easier to dismantle during a rainstorm. One of his Father's Day gifts from me was a rain poncho. Very exciting stuff! Time for me to get myself out there, where no longer an accomplished radiologic technologist, I am becoming a photographer. It's all still unfolding.
Happy Sunday to all.

p.s. I realized I might have left you with the impression that I'm not happy what I'm doing and nothing could be farther from the truth--love it, just as much as I LOVED taking x-rays. It's just I knew a little more what I was doing in those days. :)

Once Upon a Time Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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