Friday, 17 May 2013

Mrs. Peck Does a Little Shopping

Mrs. Peck indeed. Despite being unfashionable these days, I became Mrs. Peck in August 1973, and Mrs. Peck I shall remain.

Oftentimes, while I'm sitting at my desk, either writing or going through photographs, Baxter likes to make himself comfortable behind me, using up almost all of the available space.

There's just something about the material that he loves rubbing himself against. Perhaps I should scratch him more?

Before I left for the mall, I ate lunch while reading the newspaper. Yet another unfashionable thing I do! As is often the case, I'm struck most by the obituaries, reading about people's accomplishments which seemed so important at the time. That will be all of us my friends.

Anyway, a woman, aged 94 died whose obituary was particularly fascinating because among other things, her grandfather told Marjorie K. Rawlings about the flora and fauna of Florida while Marseille (the deceased) sat on the porch listening! "The Yearling" came from those sessions. So, she was a master seamstress, tailor, and hatmaker, "but will be remembered for being a home room mother in her daughters third grade class, where she baked intricately designed cookies and hand decorated each with multiple designs which not only delighted the children then, but those cookies are still remembered." And I quote.

Doing the math, that little cookie baking episode had to be, at the very least 40 years ago! Probably more like 50. How is it possible that during the ensuing years nothing more memorable occurred in her life? Will my children include my stint as PTA President, and the like? Will I get credit for attending every sporting event all four ever participated in? Please don't leave me Orlando Sentinel, even with all of your flaws, you have been a part of my daily life for longer than I can remember!

Where was I? Oh yeah, Millenium Mall where all the rich kids shop. Who else would wear this kind of get up for gardening?
Actually, I love the window displays, no matter how silly. Particularly this time of the year they are so colorful, including this new Kate Spade store. Hello Orlando indeed.
Colorful handbags galore at Bloomingdales Coach display:
I am way too practical to buy most of these handbags but they sure are fun to look at. More my speed is this $15 (awesome sale price) orange handbag, which because of the price tag, I can use only occasionally.
If I spent $300 on a handbag I'd feel as if I needed to carry it 24/7! Here's a cute little bag featuring my beloved orange:
Pretty clever huh?

My niece Lib surely already knows about this find from Urban Outfitters, being a big-time Ryan Gosling fan and all.
 For only $15 you too can have a cool coloring book.

I walked through the entire mall noting stores closed, or moved. Chatting with the employees at Papyrus, I learned H&M is coming to Millenia which will make some people quite happy. I had several things in mind for Bruce, however, I came home with very little. He is pretty hard to shop for, so rather than buy him things he won't want or use, I'm thinking we'll go together and see if there's anything special he wouldn't buy for himself. To tell you the truth, a card will probably do just fine.

Today's shopping was nothing like yesterday's excursion. Because Sue has been so gracious by visiting me at the various places I've shown, I wanted to do the same for her. This weekend she and Kathy, her business partner in Vintage Chic Affairs, are participating in a wedding show at College Park Antiques, setting up a mock vintage wedding to showcase all they have to rent.
There is much more to this set up including this part:
And I thought our set up was a lot of work! I do so hope they get some customers from this!

In the front of the shop there are separate little spaces for rent, one of which, until recently was rented by my good friend Mary Whited. Anyway, I looked around, seeing what I could see. Mostly my family will be amused by this:
Why, you ask? We used to call our sister Carol, the big C.

I came across this chest which has to be pretty old because it has been some years since FSU was known as Florida State College for Women.
DO NOT ask me why I bought these funky vases because Lord knows I don't know what I'll do with them, but for $7.50 they were just too cool to pass up.
On the way home I did a little more mundane shopping at Publix, and now it is time to prepare the birthday boy his favorite meal.....meatloaf, mashed potatoes and corn, here I come. Actually I've got loads of time as his plane does not land until 7. Tomorrow night, Bill and David along with the beautiful women they love, are taking us to Citrus Club downtown for a combo celebration--Mother's Day and the big 60. It's been more than a few years since we've been so I'm excited.

My work week begins in the morning, just as it is getting crazy hot again....

Mrs. Peck Does a Little Shopping Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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