Thursday, 28 February 2013

Manners Anyone?

Once upon a time I loved reading "Miss Manners" in our local newspaper on Sundays. How delighted I was to discover recently that our pitiful paper is carrying her columns on Thursday. I especially liked the one I read while eating lunch today wherein the letter writer complained about the Wedding Industrial Complex, her words, not mine! The title to the column is "Not Invited to the Wedding? Don't Bother Choosing the Cake." Seriously, if I hadn't read it with my own eyes I would not believe this sort of thing goes on.

You may think I'm weird, but I am actually just fine with Jonathan and Alissa getting married at the courthouse. Although Dave and Michelle's wedding was beautiful and loads of fun to boot, the money spent on one day of festivities is, in my mind, excessive. Loads of props to Michelle who made lots of stuff and even bought her dress on Ebay, otherwise it would have been another $10,000!  I say wait and spend all kinds of money on a big anniversary party. Anyone can get married, but staying married is what is worth celebrating! Enough Gail.

Returning to the manners theme, I am going to share a story with you, that if you're a bit squeamish, you may want to skip. So, here goes....

You might have wondered why I didn't just buy a tablecloth for the market table, and if so, I couldn't blame you. Our cloths must be floor length, covering all sides, something you just can't find anywhere. I had Angela buy one for me on Amazon for $15. So far, so good. Except, when we opened the package, (at the market I might add) it was so poorly made, one of the main seams on the table top was, not only coming apart, but it was already raveling away. Back it went. Sturdy black fabric is hard to find so when I found some at the Wal Mart Super Center on Sand Lake Road, I bit the bullet, paid the $10 a yard, and bought four of them. While the clerk and I were trying to figure out how much I needed, we did so over the howls of a toddler. A mother blithely pushed her boy around while he was screaming his head off. We both shook our heads, wondering, either why she did not pick him up, or better yet, leave the store. Neither occurred. She may have had no manners, but at least it wasn't gross.....keep reading.

Once we began actually making the tablecloth, we discovered we were one yard short. Another trip to WM. As the clerk began cutting my fabric, she was shaking her head...."just when you think you've seen it all, something else happens." My curiosity piqued, I inquired as to what happened. Here goes:
A man wearing a prosthetic leg sat upon the cutting table, proceeded to remove said prosthetic leg, and CLEAN it, along with his stump right in the MIDDLE of the store!!!! Replacing said prosthetic leg, he carried on with his shopping!!! The clerk who related this story then went on to say, "you can see ANYTHING at WM, and after hearing that, I don't doubt her for a moment. I wonder what Miss Manners would have to say about that story???

Onward to other stuff:

Yesterday afternoon I had a wonderfully long chat with Matthew, hearing all about the trip to India. Relating the story of their first night/morning sleeping there, he said the heat was pretty much insufferable. I imagine that, although he did not think of it at the time, his early training at home, when we could not afford air conditioning, came in sort of handy. Poor Tom though, the heat was undoubtedly the worst he'd ever felt.

The bunnies are coming to FAVO!

Patrons will vote with little paper carrots, putting them in a envelope in front of the bunny of their choice. Hot dog, all of the ones I've seen so far are so darn creative! It's going to be a fun addition to the evening for sure. They are all for sale, the proceeds to go towards FAVO renovations. While there yesterday, I asked Will if I might take his photograph, not only because I didn't like the one he was using for FB, but also so you could see the man behind FAVO. Introducing Mr. Will Benton:
I've been enjoying helping him name his abstract paintings, stretching my creativity to the max. When he is not playing the organ for two churches, he's either painting, or giving piano lessons to his astounding amount of students. I'm pretty sure he said he has 50, but seriously, could he have time for that? He is a kind soul and I'm delighted to now call him a friend.

Is it any wonder folks love cardinals as much as they do. Look how Mr. Cardinal stands out in the landscape!
In addition to talking about India, we did a little talking about the homefront here. I mentioned that I have ridden on so many of the same streets I was looking for something new. Well, duh! There's a park nearby! Today I crossed the railroad tracks heading to Cypress Grove Park, my first time there without a pokey little dog in tow.
I'm including this photo because in the future we might look back at it, thinking to ourselves--wow, that's the line for SunRail, which if all goes according to plan will begin running next year. I remember our first night in this house, it was October and the windows were open. As we lay in bed exhausted after the move, we heard the whistle blow on the train running along Orange Avenue. We liked it. That same night, I banged my head so hard on the towel bar when I got up during the night to use the bathroom. It's a pretty teeny bathroom which we've managed in just fine all these years. It's funny the things you remember, including that story; I always keep my head up and away from that bar!

In closing, I guess the food is better over at Sue's house because, much to my dismay, after finishing yesterday's post, I went to check on the swallowtail and there was no swallowtail to check on. Boo hoo! I was all geared up for a three day stay. :(

Manners Anyone? Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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