Tuesday, 29 January 2013

The Daily Ride

I must tell you that the last 100 miles have been harder to come by than the previous 900. Currently I'm at 972, however, my busy schedule, coupled with some iffy weather days, has kept me from my daily bike ride more than I prefer. Nonetheless, I'm back in the saddle, and today let us look at a few things I've seen along the way.

It's been quite a while since I photographed a bottle brush tree in bloom, but I could hardly resist the bright red color. I can remember once I dodged so many bees I was sure I would get stung while getting the shot. Not surprising, there is a little bee in the air on the top left!

Yesterday I went to check on my eagles--you notice I call them mine--however, they were not there. Riding home along Gatlin Avenue, I took this shot of Lake Gem Mary, and although you cannot see our house, you can see our tall pine trees!
 My friend Maureen's front porch and door is "picture perfect!"
How do you like another neighbor's porch swing? Fantastic--right?
Who wouldn't love the color?

This morning it was foggy when I set out:
 This is another neighbor's boat house and dock with duck houses on the sides. Perhaps the ducks were just coming out for the morning?

Today was our final art salon group meeting, a fact that makes me a little sad because I've met some wonderful artists, as well as learned a few things while attending. Driving there today I saw a black cat sitting lakeside:
Of course I had to pull over and make my way down to the lake during which time Mr. Black Cat took off running.
Every now and again I take a picture that makes me laugh, and this one definitely qualifies!

Also, lakeside, there were a few snowy egrets and a couple of wood stork. Now, I do love birds of all types, but the wood stork has one of the ugliest heads ever created.
Up close, it is prehistoric looking! The head may be hideous, but when they take off in flight the beautiful black tipped wings and tail feathers are something to see!
Last week, while driving home with my prints along Ferncreek Avenue, I saw this wonderful reflection, necessitating another pull over.
I knew my sister Lisa would love the little turtle on the log who promptly jumped into the water after I took this!

Before meeting with my group today I hung a few things in our FAVO space, although really I should just let Bruce do it as he is much better at that sort of thing. Earlier, the artist who sketched me and my friend Todd during last month's event, posted the drawing on his blog here.  Ray and Jane Flude may find it particularly interesting. Well, not just them, I hope you will check it out as well!

If you will excuse me, I'm taking the rest of the afternoon off to read my book, The Bird Sisters. You're not surprised are you?

The Daily Ride Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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