Friday, 6 January 2012

You Saw This Coming

If you've been a reader of Camera Crazy for any of the past year, you know I've been sad about my sales. You also know how I mourned the rain out at Winter Park and with good reason! Yesterday and today I've been working on getting all the expenses together for our income tax filing.

One thing about being a small business owner is that there is much more to it than one would think. Prior to opening Out & About Photography I threw everything away. Bills, once paid were history. Now I've had to retrain myself to file everything away. I don't like filing everything away. But, I do it nonetheless, albeit in a haphazard fashion. This year I'm thinking I'll use our Orlando Sentinel bill somehow...

So, the good news is I did not lose any money if you don't count my time as worth anything. The so-so news is that this year I HAVE to do better. My car is in the driveway all packed for Winter Garden in the morning. Let's hope I can muster more sales at that location! Starting tomorrow!

This morning I was feeling the bug of creativity. Typically, January has been a good month for me to shoot something that is a winner. Looking at my still very nice roses on the kitchen table I kept thinking there must be something I could do with them. The pool--always the pool.
I'm still not sure about this one but I thought you might think it was fun. The colors are oh so beautiful. I took others, maybe nothing of interest, but I did have fun and taking photographs is supposed to be FUN! This was in between laundry and some very minimal cleaning. Minimal cleaning is my middle name.

Bruce has finally gone to his office today. Imagine that. It's been weeks since last he graced the Darden headquarters. I told him this morning as he left that the girls would all be happy to see his handsome face. He did look cute.

So, I'm waiting on him as I type and it's nearly 7:00. He promised to call before arriving so I'd know when he would be home. Oops--he just walked in. We're having a date tonight. Don't know where just yet--perhaps that great place I went to with Ha and our Austin family.

Another idea occurred to me--after all this time I know that people purchase photography mostly because of nostalgia. Good or bad, that's what they do. Pocket watches! We have two old pocket watches here. Excellent photographic material. Plus I spent some time reading about them. Here's an amazing article about timepieces from Harper's Weekly, written in 1869, you will discover if you read it that things have not changed very much. We think computers are great, smart phones, and the like but arguably, reliable timepieces are one of the greatest inventions of all time.

You'll find out more about this watch after I've had a chance to discuss it with Bruce. What I learned from that site is the age of the watch which I gathered from this:
See those numbers on the bottom left? That tells me that the watch was made in 1917! Imagine that? The glass is missing from that one but not from this one which is much newer:
That is if you count 1924 much newer! I'll have to redo these when I'm not wearing a bright coral top!! See reflections.

I could go on and on but Mr. Bruce is waiting in the wings......

Good night,

You Saw This Coming Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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