When Jonathan called on Tuesday evening to let me know the quilt arrived safe and sound, he asked what I was doing. Painting. "Really," he replied with a hint of skepticism in his voice. He thought I meant artistic painting to which I replied that I only "paint" with food coloring. If he'd had time to think he would have surely figured out that his mom is always re-doing something around the house.
But before we get to me, let's see what Mr. Bruce has been up to. I suppose because he was home all last week he had time to look around a bit. Just as Bruce and I do, an older home needs constant maintenance. I don't mind being older so much just as I don't mind one bit living in a 51 year old home, it's just that there's more upkeep required for both situations! Anyway, Bruce decided the garage floor needed paint. When he decides to do something, it's a big one. Moving what he could on Sunday afternoon, we did not unload the vehicle when we returned from the market so that what is ordinarily stored on his big saw table could make room for everything movable in the garage. Staying up later, at least for us, on Sunday night, he scrubbed and scraped the floor. In an highly unusual move, he took the holiday off, at least from Darden work. Rising early, he got to painting.
As you know I'm a story lover from way back. An older home is full of stories. Old bits of paint, wallpaper, flooring, cabinet linings. I like that kind of stuff. The next owners of our home will wonder what the heck were they thinking when they did__________. You fill in the blank. Nevertheless, we do our projects with gusto all the while thinking they are super despite what future generations will think!
Following the painting we took a trip to Ikea for some sort of rug to put in front of both the bench and the washing machine. Just because it's a garage doesn't mean it can't be nice you know. While there we looked, measured and pondered about ideas for my office. How about this? How about that? Color??
That's it! Bruce left early Tuesday morning as I mentioned and when I woke up that day, it hit me that the reason I was struggling with ideas is because I had no color scheme. You know where I went. Sherwin Williams, my favorite paint store. Actually before I left the house I had pretty well decided on yet another green room with the white table and black accents. What can I say, I like green?
While there I did pick up some new HGTV paint cards seeing if they had any power to sway my decision. They did not. The green I had in mind was a bit what I'm calling "minty", however after a consultation with Angela, who by the way, hardly had to stand on the stool to tape these bits to the wall, I made my decision. You see, I needed something to match my robin's egg blue ceiling which I did not want to do away with.
My choice was the bottom left one even after Angela tried to dissuade me from painting yet another bedroom green. You know how much the paint color means to me if you've been reading this blog for any length of time; this one, "Cucumber" is no exception. Crisp, cool and light. Perfect.
You also know full well that when I get an idea I act upon it immediately. Back to SW, paint and new brush secured, and let the painting begin!
Ordinarily I use the brushes we have but I had a coupon and the desire for a new one. Good decision. A sash brush works like a charm at the ceiling line. I learned from Bruce not to be afraid, load the brush up and make big strokes and you are get to go. I did what I could without Bruce being here to help me move things, working until well after dark.
I couldn't wait for the morning light to see how it would look. I was pleased. The funny thing about color is that although as a whole the room looked gray, it had a lot of lavender undertones as you can see on the right. Wednesday I got around the corner on the left and half way around the room on the right. Bruce will spray paint the shelves a crisp white. Not the total slacker as far as spray painting is concerned, I took down the old mirror and spray painted it black.
I was puzzling about the curtains, whether to use the plain white tab tops, or go with something a little jazzier. After another trip to Ikea to buy Bruce an additional rug after we found the first one worked so well, I chose these striped ones, however, after looking at them for a day I've decided they will not work, mostly because the heavy fabric is too much around my desk. I've packed them up and yet another trip to Ikea is in store for today. Good thing the store isn't far! When I discussed it with Angela the other day she tried to dissuade me from going jazzy, saying as always I have too much going on, but I'm ignoring her advice. There's another pair there that I think will be perfect. I like jazzy. Will all this spiffing up make me a better writer or photographer? Probably not but it makes me happy so that's something.
Another project underway was the preservation of the cardinal's nest I found in the yard. While chatting with Matt on FaceTime Monday afternoon I showed him the nest. He seemed duly impressed, going so far as to look up how to preserve it. (Imagine in the future when I die and the kids have to go through my things!!!) Humoring me, he found the best way was to use Mod Podge, a 70's throwback if ever there was one. Mix it with water and spray, letting it dry between coats were the instructions I remembered. And so I did. The above link is one I want to visit again so I can use up said Mod Podge.
How wonderful is that nest I ask you? Amazing piece of architecture.
Yesterday I skipped bridge. Didn't want to but something had to go. One of my problems is I'm constantly getting sidetracked taking photographs. Everything inspires me. I tell myself--"Self--NO MORE!!", yet I pick up the camera in between everything. My windowsill is a constant tease.
See those adorable African violets I got from Jim and Kathy on Sunday at the market??? All week they kept begging to have their photograph taken and I've complied, trying different lighting situations. I'm pretty partial to bright.
And then there are the morning walks with Baxter. The other day we went down to the lake where I saw this cool lake mussell, or that's what I think it is.
You know those cardinals keep me from getting things done!
The best and worst idea I ever had--putting the Nuttery where I can see it all the time. The robins were back this week, however, they were too high up in the oaks for my lens. Maybe they'll come down to earth one of these days.
So, last night I forced myself to work on the prints. The picture isn't great because I took it at night but I would like you to notice the black boxes on the floor on the left side of the table.
Woohoo!!! While starting the sprinkler the other afternoon I glanced over--lo and behold an orchid from last year is blooming proving there is a FIRST time for everything. As you can imagine I was delighted.
Okey dokey--off to Ikea to exchange the drapes and try again. Mr. Bruce returns this afternoon. Talking last night on the phone I mentioned how happy I was that he'll be home soon to move the furniture and such. Whoops!!! I'm happy honey just to see your smiling face.
More about floors next time,
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