Let's begin not with the actual weekend events, but rather if you've an interest, I'm providing a link to Terry Gross Interviews Steve Jobs in 1996 ,which just blew me away. While sewing I listened to her interview his biographer, followed by the earlier interview, which was conducted during his time away from Apple. 15 years ago he was already touting the idea of mobile computing. Very interesting to say the least.
Yet another link: The price paid for this photograph. While I understand that art is subjective, I cannot for the life of me understand the significance of the piece. On the other hand, for whatever reason, it reminds me somewhat of the photograph below that I took and love, but no one else seems to.
Moving on...
For weeks my hair required attention, however, when making my appointment with Miss Monica it occurred to me that the best time would be the day of the Boone High School 40th reunion. Nothing like having your stylist fix your hair. It was not without some drama however. Here she is whisking up some bowls of color magic:
She foiled the top layers of my hair with three different shades of color, apparently to provide me with some depth. After a bit of time sitting under that crazy hair dryer the foils came off and my head went into the sink for the washing. At first she said the color looked good, but she quickly changed that assessment, going to her cupboard for tubes of color. This time there was no whisking involved, nor foils for that matter, squeeze after squeeze of color went on by a brush as fast as she could manage. And you know what? Turned out perfect, albeit somewhat dark. Over the weekend the compliments came pouring in.
Returning home I discovered that Friday night was the night Bruce signed me up to take an appetizer to the gathering. Hmm...what to bring? Why, salami roll ups, that's what! A quick trip to Publix for the ingredients and with Maureen's help we had them ready in no time. A mixture of cream cheese and horseradish is the filling. The hardest part was the presentation. A large bowl of garlic olives in the center added some contrast in both taste and texture.
So, here we are with the goodies. Or at least, here is Mr. Bruce, the graduate. Some of you may already know that after attending Boone for the tenth grade, our family moved to Melbourne, where I completed high school. I don't remember a sole except for one girl. Once inside Bruce was given this to wear:
Wasn't he just the cutest boy ever? What a smile!
There were not nearly as many people there as we'd hoped but those who were had a good time. Everyone looked pretty darn good for nearing 60. This spouse was not having much fun:
However, this group of ladies was:
The woman on the right front came the furthest, all the way from California. She also looks about the same as when we when she was a cheerleader.
Saturday was a whirlwind of activities, first the market, which, oh happy day, was super good. Spectacular weather and the best sales day yet. Racing home to watch the FSU/ Miami game, Bruce unpacked my vehicle while I made something to eat. I then realized that if I didn't do the weekly laundry I'd be in trouble. With Bruce arriving home just before we left Friday night, and me being gone most of both weekend days, he'd have been hard pressed to have what he needed for this week's trip which began this morning. So, there was that.
Plus, our former neighbors came to visit. Mae and Charlie lived in what is now Matt and Angela's home for more than thirty years. Six years ago they sold it to Matt, moving to Virginia to be near their children. They were just the nicest couple and I was sorry to see them leave. While we were sitting down for a visit, I noticed Angela pulling into her driveway. Asking them if they would like to see the inside of their former home, they said, of course! After a quick call to Angela, she good naturally agreed. I tried to prepare Mae for the changes, but really, they are so extensive I couldn't begin to describe it all before we walked over. Their jaws dropped. Sinking a huge chunk of money into a house will produce that kind of reaction. Lovely to see them.
Of course, all the while the game was on, which I was catching in bits and pieces. Despite lots of bad calls, the Seminoles won in the end. A big sigh of relief at our house.
Most of the same people came on Saturday night, however, there were a few new faces. Bruce really enjoyed catching up with them. My notoriously awful memory was in play. One of the ladies who claimed we were in Girl Scouts together brought another former GS to see me. Duh! If I'd seen her anywhere but there, I'd never believe I'd seen her in my life. That said, it was a VERY long time ago.
Last picture, I promise! Bruce and one of his former high school partners in crime. I'll leave it at that.
Sunday was wild as well. Remember the monsoon I survived during the Winter Park Art Festival? Well, as I previously posted, the annual Pride parade was scheduled for that very same weekend. Unbeknownst to me, it was rescheduled for yesterday. And just how does that affect me? Well, the parade runs on the road adjacent to the market which means the road was closed to traffic until 6PM. So, the regular market closing at 4 was trumped. That's fine when daylight savings is in effect, not so much yesterday. It was wild and crazy as thousands of parade watchers and vendors trying to pack and load their vehicles collided in the darkness. Not literally, but you can imagine. Notoriously a terrible sales day, mine was saved by repeat customers. I am so darn lucky like that. Plus they bring friends and family.
Normally I've gotten closer to the street, however with our new fencing I didn't bother.
Which explains why I'm not providing a close up of the beautiful horses pulling the Walt Disney World Company's float. The mayor was there (shown below in peach colored shirt) along with Commissioner Patty Shehan who represents the downtown area. Always a lot of fun, this year's parade was even longer than previous ones.
Lots of craziness:
I can't remember ever seeing big buses in the parade before:
Lord knows we have loads of them in Orlando, shuttling around many of our 30 million annual visitors. Seemed like a good time was had by all. Before going home Bruce and I met at a local restaurant for dinner finally arriving home around 8PM. Little Baxter was happy as a clam to see me after my 12 hour absence.
For several hours yesterday morning I had no sales. Not a one. Then, a young woman arrived, looking through my overfull baskets, finally deciding on an 18x24 print. Whew! For a minute there, or make that 120, I thought I might go the day without a sale. I've mentioned frequently that what I sell and what I blog are two different things. EXCEPT every now and again. The print she purchased was first seen on Camera Crazy. It was a wet version of this subject:
Nandina berries in our yard. Just thought I'd close with something kinda pretty....
Thanks for reading,
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