I remember a few years ago hearing that, but I don't believe it for a minute. Every day I come across wildly creative blogs. For all it's faults, I believe the digital revolution has democratized the world of creativity. It seems to me that if you have a clever enough idea, people will find you, or at least that's the hope!
Dear Photograph is just that. A photography blog I sometimes read--JPG Magazine, make that mostly look at, featured it in a story. Captivating my friends. It totally made me want to grab some old photos and do the same. You won't be sorry if you click on it and see what I'm raving about.
Fashion lovers amongst my readers will love this blog by Jamie Beck. Gorgeous photography. Gorgeous fashion. The Ralph Lauren and Burberry shows are standouts, however, the Daily Outfit shots are pretty darn beautiful.
My friend Karen Howard began writing about genealogy last month, specifically her family history. She's trying to find an audience for her little space in the blogosphere. Comments, she wants comments! Don't we all?
Now, let's get back to this little blog; post number 897! Maybe I shouldn't have written that because after all this time I'm still looking for an audience of more than 10!
Shall we do pictures first today?
Another one from Winter Garden. Isn't this a lovely display? Love it!
I roamed a bit while Baxter was having his teeth cleaning done. The old dead trees were intriguing me. The sun was high in the sky when I shot upwards. Whoa--looks like a light sword to me!
When I purchased the fresia from Fresh Market I was expecting them to have a lovely fragrance which they did not. HOWEVER, they do have a lovely shape, don't you agree?
The cheap bird feeder I purchased for outside my bedroom window, despite shoring up on Bruce's part, broke, necessitating a new purchase. Well maybe, necessitating isn't true but desire sure is. Hanging in the ligustrum tree outside my bedroom window I can see birds on occasion, but more often than not, I see squirrels. They eat seed faster than I can fill it! I knocked on the window to scare him when I saw him hanging upside down to get at the food. That pesky bugger didn't budge until I came outside with my camera. Love how he's wondering if he can get away with another attempt.
The other day during a treasure hunt at Marshalls I found these:
Made in Scotland, they have the most divine smell. Normally I'm not much of a soap person like my sister Maureen, however, these were too good to pass up.
A few days ago I had a little stroll downtown. Actually I was on a mission to get a shot of a Bob Marley stencil I saw when I was setting up the other night. I roamed for a few blocks, heading down alleyways, which wasn't such a great idea in flip flops, but you do what you've got to do. I'm wondering if any readers know who this is supposed to be:
Anymore, I'm so removed from popular culture that I need help keeping up. Any ideas?
My car was parked in front of First Presbyterian Church, more specifically in front of their playground. Oh how seeing this truck in the wet sand brought back fond memories of the sandboxes Bruce built for the boys.
In my mind's eye I can still see Matthew playing in the yellow octagonal box his Daddy made for him way back when we lived in California. Bruce was SO proud of that sandbox, as well he should have been, because once we started adding boys to our family, they all played in it for hours and hours. Happy days!
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