Sunday, 22 May 2011

Leopard Optimist

What does every girl need? I'm sure there are a variety of practical/ ethical/ philosophical answers one could give, so no doubt a 'leopard print turban' is not the first thing to spring to mind. However, when I visited Bath with one of my friends a few months ago, I found the allure of this particular turban so strong that it ended up coming home with me. On picking it up from a vintage market stall, my head was clouded with images of Clara Bow, the Ballet Russes and Paul Poiret - rather than say a batty, old lady surrounded by cats and tapestry cushions. However, it does add a nice touch of eccentricity to any situation - along with providing a conversation starter.
This a rather Bath-centric outfit, as the sweet little jumper also came home with me after the outing. I bought it in a great shop called Black & White boutique, which I can highly recommend! It was, in the majority, made up of second hand and vintage high end labels. And what is the name on this particular label? Could it be yet another addition to the sprawling collection of vintage Jaeger? I liked how unprepossessing the biscuit and black colours looked on the hanger. To use a rather longwinded simile, this jumper was Jo (as played by Audrey Hepburn) in Funny Face - something that most people will pass by, until the potential is finally noticed. And although this sweater hasn't quite turned into a bird of paradise, it is a rather nice addition to my already bulging drawer of woollen clothes.
Back when we were enjoying the warmth of Spring, dad took some photos of me in this outfit in London. To the items already detailed, I added some customised silk shorts (roughly cut and hemmed from a pair of beaded pyjama trousers), and charity shopped shoes and belt. The sandals are second hand Zara - and yet they remind me of thirties or forties filmstar footwear.

I found a great post on the brief history of the turban as a fashion item on Knit on the Net here. From its original cultural use, through to being adopted as the fashion item du jour during the twenties, to its resurgence in the sixties, it seems to have been enjoying yet another surge in popularity this year. I love the idea that the etymology links back to variations on the word 'tulip' - as suggested by the folds and curves of fabric. And although leopard print is not usually something I'm drawn to, for me this hat was something of a tonic - working best in a small dose.

Before I drag myself off to bed (revision is not kind - especially when it involves covalent bonding: Chemistry!), I wanted to draw attention to two posts for anyone who might not have already seen them. Firstly, I was both moved and inspired by Pearl's second post on living with Rheumatoid Arthritis. And secondly, I was full of nostalgia-induced love for Lucy's Perfume Bottle design.

Leopard Optimist Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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