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Flight of the bumblebee (part 1)
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Flight of the bumblebee (part 1)
Spring has most definitely sprung (Indeed, in the first photo it seems that my friend Shona is conducting the change of seasons - while levitating). For me, there are several definitive things that mark the end of winter. However, the two that are appropriate here are the hoards of daffodils as fresh and new as the day they inspired Wordsworth, and the re-emergence of the humble bumble bee.
That striped little insect was the inspiration for my latest behind-the-camera shoot, with a beautifully elegant friend. My idea was that Shona would flit around this local arboretum in several gold, yellow and black combinations while looking like a rather glamorous bumble bee in search of sunshine. However, I'm afraid that golden light was off the menu. It had been amazing the previous day, but stayed resolutely chilly and misty for the duration of our photo session. So, to use a little creative licence - just imagine that this particular bumble bee has got up very early in the morning...
The styling started with a skirt. The garment in question was found at a jumble sale last autumn; the colourful stripes like a beacon among fleeces and rugby shirts. I whipped it out, and immediately christened it the "bumble bee" skirt. 25p later, and it had joined the many other spoils in a bulging binbag. I have to admit at the time I did think "It's incredible, but when on earth will I wear it?" Then, lo and behold, Ms Prada works her magic and everyone is suddenly diving for bright stripes.
Here, I put it with one of Shona's leotards (it's obvious from her poise as well as those pointe shoes that this girl knows her arabesques) and a vintage necklace that used to be my mum's. The sash tied around her waist is vintage, as are the sunglasses.
When the second part of this themed set of photos emerges in a couple of posts time, you will notice that the yellow tights are something of a re-occurence in my styling. Here they are layered under the same leotard as above, with a vintage sheer dress over the top. The wedge heels are from ebay.
I had so much fun scooting around the wood (no better way to get exercise than to realise you have left something vital that is needed urgently about a quarter of a mile back), and lying among the daffodils to get the perfect angle. However, hot soup was a necessity as soon as we'd finished shooting, and it took a while for my hands to get back to a functional temperature.
Giveaway announcement time for the classic cameo, courtesy of LUXXOR. From suggestions for notable figures in literature, or stars of screen and song to a thoughtful suggestion to reverse the classical colours of a cameo by placing Emanuela de Paula on a white background, with a wonderful sprinkling of the wacky and whimsical in between, I was utterly spoiled for choice! In fact, it got to the point where I couldn't make a rational decision - therefore, I put my favourite entries into my grey felt Jaeger brimmed hat. I can now announce that the winner is Olivia. Congratulations! If only I had multiple cameos to give away... Mind you, given all the amazing suggestions everyone put forward, I'm tempted to start up a business specialising in alternative cameos! Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter.
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