When I was much younger, my brother and I used to play a game fondly referred to as the 'Treasure Game'. I owned a little pirate's chest-style hinged box, full of odd rhinestone earrings and broken necklaces (the debris from various family members and flea markets) - the sparklier the object, the better. After emptying the contents onto the floorboards, we would proceed to play a game based mainly on a bartering system of our own devising. Once we had each taken it in turns to pick things from the glittering pile, we would make all sorts of deals to complete our desired collection.
"I'll give you this set of 'diamonds' for the 'ruby' necklace and the 'gold' ring".
"Only if I can have the blue 'sapphire' brooch"
We felt like pirates, sorting out ill-gotten gains - complete with sulks when it didn't work out.
My jewellery fascination (read obsession) has been evolving ever since. However, I doubt I could fit it all into one tiny treasure chest now - instead it is scattered all over my room, hanging from bookshelves and piled on vintage cake stands. At vintage markets I often tend to bypass the jewellery and head straight for the clothes, as I was lucky enough to inherit a sizeable cache of pretty baubles and strings of things from various family members - my collection covers everything from sixties plastic beads to bejewelled costume jewellery plus Victorian silver bangles. However, I am still a magpie at heart...
So, you can imagine my delight when LUXXOR vintage offered to add something new to my rather extensive collection. A few days after I gratefully accepted, three items: a gorgeous brooch, ring and cameo necklace arrived. I especially love the brooch/ pin, which can be seen in the first two shots (along with the charming ring).
I thought that the 'woman in profile' was so stylishly attired, that the only way to go was to to emulate her - using a charity shopped YSL scarf, vintage sunglasses and a family owned clip-on earring. I'm not sure if it is odd to think about an inaminate object's story, but somehow I can just imagine the woman that this brooch could represent - the scarf is there to protect her hair in an open topped car as she makes her way to meet with her fellow glamorous fifties-era friends.
Thank you Luxxor for sending the pieces, and if anyone is feeling particularly generous then I do have my eye on the amazing enamelled bee brooch on her site! (Hint, hint mum if you're reading this...) Animal accessories - especially brooches - always remind me of Wallis Simpson...
Sometimes my room resembles a weird clothing jungle - instead of vines creeping over tree trunks, I have pendants with slithering chains manifesting themselves on top of silk shirts that I really should iron. So, here is some visual evidence:
To round off a jewellery saturated post, I have a Giveaway for my lovely reader. I will be sad to part with this beautiful cameo necklace so soon after receiving it from Luxxor, but I thought someone out there might really enjoy wearing it.
So, for the rules: You must be a follower of Clothes, Cameras and Coffee. Please leave a comment describing whose face you would like to see on a cameo - I for one would love a "Twiggy" cameo, complete with her pageboy haircut! The giveaway will be live for 10 days, and will end on 9th April.
(Cameo necklace - modelled by my mum complete with my own vintage orange gloves - courtesy of Luxxor vintage).
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