Via Face Hunter
Via the Telegraph (Bridget Fleming)
On my last morning at Somerset House, the lovely Lucy of Snippets of Shiny Thoughts asked me to sum up London Fashion Week in a few words. Well, Lucy, here is your answer - LFW is exhilarating, theatrical and an experience akin to jumping into a plungepool of effervescent visual moments, styles and people.
Above are three photos taken from different sites, all of the outfit I wore on my first day (Saturday) at London Fashion Week. (Take a look at Style East for another fabulous version too). It's been an exciting few days, and now that I'm back home the fun continues with seeing shots of my outfits on websites and blogs that I respect and admire.
The weather was frightfully foul peppered with energetic drizzling (is that an oxymoron?), but this didn't stop it being a wonderful day to be inducted into the whole process of LFW. From seeing my first ever show (Louise Amstrup, but more on that later) to meeting a whole host of wonderful bloggers and experiencing street style photographers who were in the majority unfailingly courteous and creative.
I got very used to repeating the description of what I was wearing, so here for the record, this outfit is made up of: a vintage leather coat from a market stall (Christmas present from my mum), a suede miniskirt (topshop) from ebay, men's Marks & Spencers brogues from a charity shop and a bag bought at a charity shop stall at the Big Chill festival. The polo neck is thrifted, the gloves are vintage (grandma's) and the cross pendant belonged to my great grandma.
(Portrait taken by me - lovely to turn the camera on Jill for once!)
Along with the Jaeger experience (which deserves a post of its own - coming shortly), other highlights included attending the Mulberry after-party, courtesy of a really kind friend, plus briefly meeting Erin O'Connor the next day. She is truly the epitome of British charm and grace. In the flesh, her poise is just breathtaking. If there's anyone who knows Erin, please tell her that even in a fleeting encounter, her generous spirit is obvious! I also really enjoyed attending the Osman (thank you Tanya!), Louisa Amstrup, Masha Ma and Todd Lynn (thank you Nao!) shows. I'd like to write a better analysis of the clothes I saw once I have sorted out all my photos, but I can safely say that it looks like structural garments will be very popular come autumn. There was a real sense of quality with these garments, with obvious craftsmanship and attention to detail.
Thanks Style East for the photo!
Finally, I really enjoyed meeting Style East (link above), Bip, Dvora, Lucy, Carrie, Frances, David, Daniela, and sadly although I didn't see Carly, she apparently saw me and my mum! Also, special thanks to the lovely Ling family for their unfailing kindness. Finally, to the young woman in the gold jacket after the Louise Amstrup show, who came up to say she really liked my blog - big thanks to you, as well as the others who took the time to say hello too.
If anyone comes across a street style shot of me somewhere on the web, I would really appreciate it if you could just leave me a comment to let me know! I am currently trying to collate the various images...
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