Saturday, 22 January 2011

Long lines

There is something about a grey day that immediately makes me want to dress in the brightest colours possible, and that was the thinking behind this outfit. Although it was sunny when my dad took the photos of me, I  had dreamed up the combination while drizzle peppered the windows of my room a few days previously.
These photos were taken in London, just before my most recent post-surgery check up (which was reassuring - I'm now allowed to start doing physio). I love visiting Primrose Hill - it is surely one of the most beautiful spots in London. Nothing like taking in the panoramic views before strolling down towards Regents Park...

My lovely mum bought this beautiful leather coat for me for Christmas, from the local antique/ flea market stall that we often frequent. She told me that she had purchased it in early autumn, and at that point had thought it might be too long - even for me! However, sometimes surgery can prove useful, especially if there is a height gain involved! As usual, it's all the details that make this coat special to me. From the very soft leather, to the splits up the side, black edging and collar shape, it is all rather delicious. Underneath, I was wearing a look inspired by an idea of English eccentricity.
The culottes are charity shopped, vintage Marks & Spencer  - I think that the 'St Michael's' label (as it used to be known) is now very prevalent in my wardrobe. I bought both the orange cardigan (worn over a Next grey top) and original sixties hat on a rather fruitful charity shop expedition over the christmas holidays. My mum and I decided to make a day of visiting some renowned, but quite far away charity shops. When we arrived, the two we had specifically made the trip for were closed. However, we were pleasantly surprised by the treasures yielded by the others in town... On top of the items shown here, I managed to acquire a (brand new) Laura Ashley dress, a vintage Orla Kiely-esque blazer, vintage green shoes, a black lace skirt and yet another tartan kilt.
To this ensemble pictured, I added a gold top that used to live in my dressing up box, my great-grandma's pendant necklace, another great-grandma's pair of never-worn driving gloves, a charity shopped belt and my mum's boots.

When I was recovering from surgery, I spent a lot of time with my bed covered in magazines and clippings, ready to form moodboards. I thought the two I made below (a typical 'here's one I prepared earlier' moment) sum up my oufit pretty well. I'm going to make another one this evening, ready for a behind-the-camera shoot with a friend tomorrow!

Long lines Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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