Sunday, 5 December 2010

A taste for tartan

Is it possible to own too many tartan skirts? Well, perhaps I'm just being indulgent by holding onto five of the beauties - all second hand and purchased within the last year. However, there is something quite compulsive not only about the quality of wool and promise of winter warmth, but also the chance to inject three (often clashing) colours into an outfit without even breaking a sweat. And besides, what was good enough for Alexander McQueen and Vivienne Westwood is good enough for me!
This is my current favourite of the five - bought in that jumble sale. I feel like I'm talking about some kind of legend whenever I refer to it. "The mythical jumble sale full of vintage bargains that only takes place every 100 years in an undisclosed rural location.."
It's a proper vintage kilt (and yes, I know technically the pleats are meant to go at the back - let's call this artistic license), only slightly bigger than my waist. It probably would have been the right size when bought, but I think I either lost weight during surgery or my twice daily walk is putting my metabolism into overdrive. It's one of those items one looks at and thinks "Who would wear a full length kilt? And more to the point, when?" Ladies and Gentlemen I have the answer - me, today, in the snow.

I wanted to dress it up 1940s-esque film star style - hence the thrifted short sleeved, ribbed polo neck and vintage gloves (inherited from my great-grandma). I then added a faux fur collar - found in our dressing up box - pinned with a cameo I bought for 25p at a bric-a-brac stall. The little vintage bag was bought at a market and the belt is charity shopped, as are the lace-up boots. The cardigan (worn over my shoulders in one shot) is a genuine great great-grandma hand knit, as that's who it belonged to! Another invaluable item for keeping me cosy this winter.

This is the first time I've done a shoot for the blog since shortly after being discharged from hospital, and it felt quite comforting to be out in the snow, freezing my elbows off and posing almost like normal. Of course, it's not entirely back to the way it was before - that'll never happen. And at the moment walking down the road requires utmost concentration, as I don't want to slip over on the ice. And unfortunately no sledging for me this year.
My mum took these photos in one of our most beloved spots, and if you look back through my archives you might see it pop up a few times (mainly because it's one of the nearest places for a few quick photos)...  I love the way it looks at different times of year.

It's back to London tomorrow for my six week post surgery check up. In some ways those six weeks have sped by, and in others it feels more like six months. I'm just going to reiterate how much it has meant to me to have such support from my blog readers, and thank you for every single lovely comment.

Take a look at the newest pair of mummy's scissors, created by the lovely Jazz of Jazzabelle's Diary. I'm still amazed by all the variations and creative approaches people have taken.

I really enjoyed reading the many insightful comments on my debate about the writing of poetry - and talking of poetry, I've just finished reading 'Resistance' by Owen Sheers (a poet turned novelist). For anyone who is a fan of Laurie Lee's descriptions or just enjoys beautiful writing and thought-provoking subject matter, I would highly recommend it.

A taste for tartan Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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