These photos were taken a mere five weeks ago, on the weekend before my operation. Yet how much has changed since then... On that particular weekend I felt the need to run around, cramming in as much as was creatively possible. During the course of two days I made my 'scoliodress', persuaded dad to take pictures of me in it, spent half a day styling and taking photos of my mum in a shoot yet to be posted, and generally rushed around in a squirrel-like manner - hoarding creative nuts for winter sustenance! However, it yielded some satisfying results, and the final activity on Sunday evening was wandering out into the Autumn light, among the leaves, to have these photos taken by my mum.
I'm not usually one for very short dresses or outfits (and I am wearing denim shorts underneath here!), but looking back I notice that even though I felt I was embracing the impact of the curve of my spine, I had perhaps started subconciously dressing to highlight the parts of my body that weren't twisted, or weren't going to change - ie, my legs. The further away I get from my operation, the more and more I feel like surgery was absolutely the right decision. The brain has an amazing capacity to ignore pain and discomfort if it can, but in retrospect I can see that I put up with a lot of back pain most of the time. And no-one could dispute the visual impact of the way my back looked. However, the funny thing is that I'm now wearing dresses that really should be classed as tunics, simply because I can - no rib humps or sticking out shoulders to stop me...
I'm also determined to get the creative impulse flowing again, and am working on sketching two more scoliosis inspired designs to ultimately create a triptych of dresses.
I bought the jumper featured in this post from a charity shop stall at the Big Chill music festival; there's something about navy jumpers that are always classic. I then added some patterned tights and high heels, both bought using my Next gift voucher. The necklace, made up of imperfect cultured pearls, is my mum's - another twisted nature reference. Each one has its own beautiful, distorted shape. The leather handbag belonged to my great grandma. The - er - leaf hair 'accessories' were found at the scene! I've always liked blue and yellow together... Expanding on what I said about missing autumn in the last post, I felt that as well as cramming in creativity on that weekend, I also wanted to try to experience as much of the outdoor season as possible - like I wanted to saturate each of my five senses with Autumn in the knowledge that everything that came after would be a completely unkown quantity. Leaves always fall, seasons always change, but I didn't know what the next week held for me.
Back to mention of the Big Chill above, I thought I'd share a few photographs I took there of various singers. I've finally had time to sort through them, doing the necessary cropping and deleting of blurred shots... These are my four favourite images:
The stunning Skye Edwards of Morcheeba, whose lilting voice was very hypnotic, as were the feathers on her dress that soared gently as she sang!
The beautiful Beth Jeans Houghton, who was my favourite new find of the festival - I subsequently bought her EP 'Hot Toast' on iTunes. She has an almost silvery voice, and her songs are intensely addictive. Last summer I had a feeling about Marina and the Diamonds (I was right) and imminent recognition, and this time it's Beth!
And finally, what was possibly the highlight of the Big Chill for me, the powerful Paloma Faith (apologies for all the alliteration here!) She is a very dynamic performer - oozing with stage presence! And as she so perfectly summed up her Quality Streets-esque chocolate wrapper outfit - "Life's a box of chocolates, then you wear one".
I'm having a very quiet Sunday evening after a wonderfully hectic two days, surrounded by very dear old family friends and delicious food. I even managed to perform in a short made-up play (involving a haunted lake! I'll say no more..) that all four children/ teenagers devised for the adults. I needed some time like that - it's nice to forget about the arduous recovery process for a couple of days. And I had an additional two big treats, in the form being bought a rust coloured Mad Men style vintage dress, and an Orla Kiely pattern book which I have been lusting over for a while.
The mummy's scissors necklace project is still moving forward, and I'm really enjoying seeing each new creation! As promised, here is the updated list of all those involved so far:
- Jill of Street Style: Pics by Polka Dot
- Pearl at Fashion Pearls of Wisdom
- Maya at ByeByeSoccerMom
- San at Hats make me happy
- Ashanti at Adorn Girl
- Sacramento at MIS PAPELICOS
- Lucy at Snippets of Shiny Thoughts
- Ulli at l'enfant prodige
- Olivia at Union Olivia
- Stef of Shallow Mallow
- Ellie Jane of Observations Through the Looking Glass
- Cardigan Magazine
- Alex of Inspiration Partout
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