Friday, 29 October 2010

Mummy’s Scissors: A blogging experiment in viral, DIY style

 Well hello blogging world - I'm back on my laptop and out of hospital! Although it's a slow moving Roz for the time being. I have been catching up with reading your comments and also my favourite blogs for a few days, but this is the first time I've felt up to posting.
I've now got through the worst of the recovery after my operation. I had a slight complication called 'cast syndrome', which meant I couldn't keep any food down for about 30 hours, and ended up back on a drip and lots of other nasty things. I'll be very happy if I never see another hypodermic syringe in my life... However, since then I've been convalescing. It's small steps, but every little helps and each day brings new challenges and achievements.
I'll write a more detailed account of my experiences soon, but for now I want to launch a project that I originally devised over the summer.

Some of you out there may already have heard of it, if you follow the completely wonderful Jill who,with her big heart and generous spirit, decided to kickstart the initiative for me while I was in hospital. What a totally fabulous surprise for me - I was completely blown away, not only by HER kindness, but then also the lovleiness of those who responded so quickly by making and posting their own versions and spreading the word. I can't tell you how much it cheered me up!

And another thing: readers, you're all just unbelievably lovely. All those supportive comments and emails over the last week and a half have been incredible and have made me feel much-nurtured and full of gratitude. Anyway, onwards, onwards...
Fortunately I prepared the text before the operation (in true 'here's one I did earlier' fashion), along with the images which my parents took a few weekends ago. All the clothes are from the usual  ramshackle range of sources. If I described them all, I'd be here until sunday, as I'm still typing relatively slowly.

What? (the product)
‘Mummy’s scissors’ is an outsize, statement pendant, designed by me last year, from recycled materials: mini scissors ‘mummified’ in tiny silk bandages.

What? (The ‘campaign’!)
This is a DIY, make-your-own, wear or give away ‘product’. I’d like to see if it’s possible to ‘market’ the concept of an unusual but easy to make piece of jewellery that is made and worn, but NOT sold.
Why? (For me)
Among other future aspirations, I’m very interested in fashion design. While beginning to think and learn about the design of individual items or collections, there is also the concept of creating a recognisable ‘product’. Obviously, I’m not in a position to actually make more than a handful of ‘Mummy’s scissors necklaces. But then I thought, “Hmmmm…outsourcing! I made this myself, so why not outsource the ‘manufacture’ of further pendants to anyone who wants to make their own version? Easy!”

Why? (For anyone else).
I’m simply curious to see how far through the blogosphere this idea might stretch (if at all), so I’d love to see examples of any other, home-made ‘Mummy’s Scissors’ pendants being styled and worn.
So, tell me in a comment if you feature a pair on your own blog, and I’ll then choose my favourite images to post on my blog, along with a link to each one.

Additionally, you can enter my first ever give away - I have 2 ready-made ones to give away to two readers. If you comment, stating what you would wear/ style a pair of my mummy’s scissors with –my two favourites will receive a pair each.

Take some thin strips of fabric or ribbon, and wrap them around a pair of small, blunt craft or nail scissors. If they are not already blunt, then encase the sharp tips in masking tape first to stop any nasty injuries whilst wearing! If needs be, stitch the fabric ‘bandages’ in place with a similar coloured thread.

WARNING: Don’t try and wear these while going through airport security! They’ll probably be confiscated...

Here are some examples of pairs I made...

 And this is the lovely pair made by Jill! I tried to feature some of the others already made, but am having trouble saving images to my desktop. However, take a look at these bloggers for other unique and beautiful interpretations:
Please let me know if I have missed anyone off,and I will put you up ASAP!

Mummy’s Scissors: A blogging experiment in viral, DIY style Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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