Sunday, 3 October 2010

"To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees"

Keats knew what he was talking about when he immortilised autumn in his ode beginning "Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness". Yesterday we were lucky enough to be part of a wonderful celebration of autumnal small-village-living. There was an apple press at the local village hall, so, armed with tub-trugs of apples we'd picked, my family headed over to turn our fruits into apple juice - along with half the village! Highlights included taking monochrome portraits of everyone taking part, drinking the best freshly made apple juice ever, getting hit on the head by several plummeting apples as we were picking them (not such a highlight), eating a humungous slice of home made chocolate cake and coming home with numerous green glass bottles of something that looks a little like liquid gold.

 So today's post is themed on all things apple related. My dad took these photos of me last weekend, in a neighbour's perfect tiny orchard - what great timing for this post! There was a wonderful window of evening light last Sunday for about fifteen minutes, which we just managed to catch.

The idea for this outfit started with the cape, purchased at the St Michaels hospice charity tent/ shop at the Big Chill for a mere £10! It served me well while watching the bands at night. I may be, well, slightly obsessed with capes this season - one of my favourite of the current trends.
 From there it was grey, grey and umm.. more grey! The dress underneath is kind of my equivalent of a comfort outfit (no tracksuits for me thank you!) - it's incredibly soft and easy to wear. I customised it with the blue/ turquoise edging around the neckline while on work experience. The grey ankle boots were from Topshop, and both the silk scarf (in my hair) and striped gloves were inherited from my great-grandma.
The necklace - a new pair of grey 'mummy's scissors' made by me - is a little hint towards a project starting soon (it has been pushed back and back).
I love the colour grey - reminiscent of typical British weather, and it goes with everything - not having the stark-ness of white or the bold-ness of black. In fact, the alternative title for this post was 'Fade to grey', taken from the eighties Visage song. However, it didn't really go with the backdrop!

One way to describe those apples might be perfectly 'rotund' - a word I particularly like! I'm always trying to extend my vocabulary, and I take pleasure in words. At the moment other favourites include 'conglomeration' and 'evocative'. I think a love of words might be why I enjoy the process of analysis in English literature so much! Do you have a particular favourite word?

To finish, thank you for your lovely comments on my last photography post. Soon to come on the blog are the project I've been building up to, and a round up of London Fashion Week.

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