I have been wistfully watching the goings-on of London fashion week (and NY fashion week too), and wishing I was there! One day, one day..
However, the emerging trend for seventies themed clothes seems to have chimed perfectly with an outfit I styled recently. These photos were taken by my dad about 3 weeks ago, before Fashion month had even started - I have to say, I'm slightly proud of my trend forecasting! I suppose this is a more traditional seventies interpretation than, say, the Rodarte look - but it's heading in the same general direction.
I found the fantastic cream crocheted dress (just look at the detail on those sleeves) at the St Michaels Hospice tent at the Big Chill - it truly was one of the best charity shop hauls I've ever had. And there are still plenty more Big Chill items to feature! I was particularly happy with this stand out piece, after lusting over one I saw in a vintage shop ages ago.
The vintage suede floppy seventies hat was given to me by my paternal grandma (Babi). I love it to bits! Unfortunately I don't think it will be having any more outings as a sun hat this year. But at least the change of season means it's time to bring out my faux fur, aviator-style and leather fishermen's hats from under my bed.
The much-featured leather belt was my mum's when she was a teenager, and the charity-shopped wedges are repeat offenders on this blog.. The owl necklace is kind of my lucky charm, I wear it all the time - I like the wisdom that owls symbolise.
I've been collecting a big folder of inspirational photos that I've come across over the months, so thought I would take a little trawl through them to see if any fitted with todays theme. Can't say I would have the patience to do the make-up, but love the hat!
Now I know this next one is technically the wrong era, but really - how floppy can one hat get?! Head gear that handily doubles as a tent/ umbrella. This may be one of my favourite shots ever..
What do you think? I'm personally very excited about all the wearable looks this autumn (especially if it involves a cape of any kind). But are you already thinking about next spring?
I finally got to see 'An Education' last week, and loved it! The cinematography and outfits were suberb. And talking of the Sixties, my parents and I are finally catching up with the much-lauded 'Mad Men.' So I'm off now to go and slaver over some stunning dresses...
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