Way back in May when it was my birthday, I mentioned a certain Chanel dress given to me by a very good family friend - or should that be fairy godmother? I was totally blown away when I unwrapped the tissue to find this grey tweed beauty nestling there. I was already feeling quite Chanel that day, being dressed in men's silk pyjamas (but that's another post!) at an 'MGM starlett's birthday brunch' celebration (hosted by the BFG - Best Fairy Godmother). So the dress was (to borrow a slightly cliched phrase) the cherry on top of the cake. However, I don't like glace cherries, so maybe 'a fresh of the tree cherry' or 'elaborate icing' or 'interesting Bompas & Parr style embellishment' on top of a cake might be more appropriate in this case.
I'm always inspired by fairy tales and traditional stories, but I'm still overawed by real life fairy godmother waving a magic wand and sprinkling of Chanel faux pearls in my direction! Perhaps I should just start a little tickbox alongside each post of things I like to regularly mention: Jaeger, Fairy-tales, photography, family owned clothes... Need I go on?
Now, as you know, my style usually tends to consist of charity shop mixed with vintage, a pinch of inherited pieces and maybe the occasional bit of topshop thrown in there. However, that doesn't stop me loving the goods and the greats - classic Chanel being way up at the top. Looking at it up close, you really get a feel for the fabric quality and structure - grey satin linig and all! I'd love to know which collection it's from - does anyone have any idea?
The family friend who gave it to me said she thought it might be a runway sample, as the lining isn't completely even inside. However, this just makes it all the more special and idiosyncratic for me.
With an item like this, where to start with the styling? Who needs a necklace with a neckline as embellished as that? Along with sleeve edges, hem and pocket tops? Luckily inspiration came in the form of a hat my mum bought from the Big Chill, which happened to match the fabric of the dress perfectly. From then on it became easy - grey vintage leather gloves from the much-mentioned box of great-granny's gloves, a faux pearl bracelet (from the same 'fairy-godmother'), one of my favourite pairs of charity shopped shoes and vintage sunglasses I bought in Edinburgh last summer.
My dad took the photos at an amazing beauty spot (on the way back from a day out) Even the striking standing stones complimented the tones of the dress! We were incredibly lucky with the light and visibility, meaning we could see for miles around - possibly one of the most beautiful views in Britain. Luck stayed with us as almost the minute we were back in the car, the rain started spitting down.
I actually have some separate photos that my good friend Flo took of me in this dress on another occasion, but the shots are so wonderful I thought I'd save them for a post of their own, after a decent interval!
Talking of Chanel, I really want to see the 'Coco & Igor Stravinsky' film. Has anyone already seen it? And if so, what did you think?
I had a lovely holiday, and was greeted on return with a host of very wonderful comments. I always appreciate everyone who takes the time to write, especially on my own photography posts - a few more of which might be springing up soon. I have so many photo projects planned for the next few weeks. The start of a new term is looming its head - time to finish cramming in the creative projects...
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