Sunday, 9 May 2010

Woodland Wanderer

First of all, apologies for a general lack of posting/ replying to comments. I've been dealing with some problems, and life has generally been very hectic and at times overwhelming - and it doesn't show any sign of slowing down any time soon!

Anyway, carrying on with the floral theme from the last post, here is another flowered acquisition of mine! I found these floral shorts in.. let's guess, hmmm...Could it be? A charity shop!
 I love the fact that they look like they could have easily been made from my Grandma's curtain material! (More on recycling of curtain material in a later post).
I added a charity shopped soft teal (or is it pale blue?) Warehouse blouse- as the colour matched the rose leaves on the shorts perfectly.
The belt is one my mum bought at a jumble sale when she was a teenager, and one of the first items of hers I ever appropriated. I mislaid  it for a while, but lo-and-behold, here it is.. Back from (under) the bed - ready for waist cinching duties!
The necklace is another piece of costume jewellery from the shoe box of treasures that came from one of my great-grandma's.

Yes, I am wearing the white brogues... again. AGAIN! (Sorry.)
"Judge, I plea not guilty of repeat offending by wearing these shoes in practically every other post - they just happen to be very versatile."

Talking of brogues, I visited Topshop yesterday and salivated over almost every shoe there, especially a brown brogue/ loafer hybrid. That slightly strange, fringed shoe needs to be mine so I can pair it with floral Jaeger skirts and dusky pink thirties camisoles.
I was thinking about how I always wear brogues and loafers, and this footwear kind of stands out where I live - rurally. However, when I visited London last weekend loads of people were wearing them, so my feet just blended in!

So here's the question-  Do 'trends' filter down to different geographical areas of a country at different times? Do you think we are often influenced by the environment around us when we dress? I'd like to hear some opinions.

Photos taken as per usual by my lovely dad, with the accompanying patience of my mum and little brother while supposedly having a 'family walk' through ancient Welsh woodlands.

Woodland Wanderer Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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