Sunday, 28 February 2010

Nightwear as outerwear

My latest obsession, clothes wise, is silk- preferably in dusky pink please! So you can imagine how happy I was when this amazing thirties silk night dress arrived on my doorstep, fresh from ebay. You can just picture the kind of glamourous woman who would have worn this, probably with a quilted satin bed jacket over the top. (Another thing I have been searching for!)  The detailing is just so stunning, from the understated frills to the delicate bows. I always tend to look at things from a design viewpoint, so the little things always interest me.
It took me a while to choose what to put it with, but after seeing this long grey woollen dress in my mum's wardrobe, I knew it would be perfect! I was very inspired by the kind of layering that Susie of Style Bubble does so well.
I have been angling to get this grey dress into my wardrobe for a while, but this is one item that my mum will definitely not let go of! One day, one day...
I then added some ribbed grey long socks. (Me? Obsessed with socks? Particularly ankle socks? No, no- must be someone else you're thinking of..) These shoes interest me because they look really mundane when sitting on a shelf, but suddenly when you put them on with ribbed socks (yep, definitely not me with the obsession) then they look amazing. But they are a little difficult to put on in the middle of the coastal country side, standing on a slightly wobbly rock. The tied belt and grey beret are thrifted, and the silver bangle is a victorian one from a family member.
We shot this outfit on holiday, and it was slightly awkward with lots of dog walkers going past me in my thirties night dress, posing on top of a hill.

London Fashion week is now over, and although I couldn't go, I still got my daily consumption of fashion from the LFW website, the Sartorialist and Jill of The latter two showcased some amazing people with amazing style.
I'm going to give a quick summary of my favourite collections on days 1-3 here, because if I list all the designers of day 4 as well then I will be typing well into the night. So here we go:

Kinder Aggugini for the restrained colour palette and desirable classic pieces I can see exisiting in my wardrobe very easily, especially that tailored khaki/ brown coat-cape with the red detail. I discovered how much I liked capes recently when I found the two family inherited ones at the back of my mum's Narnia-esque wardrobe, and so was impressed to see quite few on the catwalk this season.

Topshop Unique for a collection that totally reminded me of  'Where the Wild things Are'. Seeing it, I had one of those moments when I really wished I was a stylist so I could use some of the pieces in a Wild Things inspired shoot. The long socks + custom made head pieces + delicious looking coats and layering = Yes please.

Betty Jackson for exquisite layering (being able to create leather underwear as outerwear without making it sleazy is quite an accomplishment!) and very cosy looking jumpers and coats. She makes dressing  for winter look very desirable to me, even though I am longing for sunshine at the moment.

Margaret Howell for the fact that I couldn't find fault with a single design. I'd wear every outfit that was showcased. All those skinny belts pulling in coats, jumpers and all other manner of beautiful things... I loved  the shirts too, especially layered under dresses. Every piece looked like it had a longevity, a very classic feel.

Aquascutum for the beautifully structured jackets and coats. You can really see the detail in each one. A very clever idea too, the reinvention of a single item of clothing in many different ways. The fact that the colour range was so minimal meant that you really focused on the shape and design.

What I found really interesting about all the clothes this season, is how many of them:
A- I could imagine myself wearing
and B- looked really classic and chic. If I was talking in fashion speak, then I would probably say that they were 'investment pieces' or some other phrase along the lines of that.

Kudos to anyone who has taken the time to read this whole post full of my ramblings! I'll stop now before this becomes long enough to qualify as a short non-fiction story. Hope you all have a great week.

Nightwear as outerwear Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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