Thursday, 4 February 2010

Cable Calling

I have two outfits to share with you today, both very lovely comfy jumpers! When it is cold, there is nothing more satisfying to put on than a cosy sweater.
These two are both recent thrifted ones. Quite a few people have been asking about how I find things in charity shops or vintage/ flea markets, so I'll try to explain.
Firstly I look out for any colours/ patterns that catch my eye, eg floral. The second step is running my hand over a rail to feel fabrics. "Ooh! Is this silk? Ah, that feels like Cashmere..." (Then checking the label to see if my prediction was right.) I also never confine myself to one category or size. I look in every size, as you never know what you might find. The second jumper is a good example of this, being much too big for me in the perfect way. I also look in the men's section. The black brogues are proper men's ones- an advantage of having size seven feet!

I love charity shop shopping for two primary reasons. One- there is a lot more variety under one roof if you are willing to look. And you never know when a gorgeous vintage dress/ Jaeger piece is going to make itself known. And two- the money goes to charity! (Or a small scale stall holder or independent shop.) Totally guilt free shopping that suits my minimal budget as well! It also makes me shop and think creatively. "Ahaa, I could layer this voluminous silk nightie over that long grey woollen dress in my mum's wardrobe.."
On the other hand, I would happily be let loose in Selfridges with a budget to match, pleeeease! And as for aspirations to wear Burberry Prorsum... well one day maybe.

These photos were taken by my dad when the remainder of another unexpected snow flurry was on the ground. I swear I will shut up about it now, it has finally all melted! We went for a family walk, dragging along a rucksack holding the second outfit and a heavy camera around my neck.

The first outfit was the one I had put on that morning. The dusky pink jumper is a thrifted silk and cashmere one. I have had a bit of a love/ hate relationship with pink over the years. I went through phases of practically living in it and others of swearing it would never darken the walls of my wardrobe again. I have now found the solution in a vintage style dusky pink- usually silk please! It is tied with a length of black taffeta, and the skirt is another 'appropriated' piece from my mum. The pocket watch brooch is one of four from a set bought on ebay. The grey leather gloves were my great-grandma's. The tights are my favourite at the moment- being the only ones warm enough to wear outside. The brogues are small mens ones that I got from a local charity shop.

In the second outfit, the cream arran wool jumper is thrifted. I made the skirt out of some old vintage curtain material last summer and I found the faux furry hat in a charity shop last week. (My collection of them is growing daily!) The necklace is family inherited.

Thank you so much for all your interesting and insightful opinions on my criticism debate post. (And also thanks for the praise on my negative dress!) I loved reading your thoughts on this issue.

Cable Calling Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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