Thursday, 11 February 2010

Blue Roses/ Golden Light

It all started so simply... A family walk in the golden afternoon- intentionsof only taking landscape photos, then my dad asking if he could take a photo of me, leading to another.. and another.. Until we had a whole sequence in different sun-hazed locations.
That morning when I got up, my first though was "Ooh, Sunlight! I must make the most of it while it's here" It has become so rare at the moment, and I am willing Spring to appear and push away all these miserable cold, dark days. So I dressed according to the weather- in gold and blue.
I got this fabulous vintage dress from Beyond Retro in London about a year ago. I love the contrasting colours and the shape, it fits perfectly!
In the afternoon, I was given about 3 minutes notice that we were going on a walk. So I grabbed the first thing I could find, which happened to be a jacket that matched very nicely! (Formerly from my mum's 'drama dressing up box') We have been trying to work out what time period the jacket is- me and my mum think it might be thirties. But if anyone does haveany other ideas, do let me know! (Sixties copy?)  It has that lovely old suede feel, complete with worn buttons and a broken clasp. The addition of wellies is a testament to quite how impromtu the shoot really was! Well, they're kind of in the same colour range.
I could not imagine more perfect light. It is at points like these that I am a little wistful that I don't have someone else to take photos of. But I found a location really nearby to this spot that I am hoping to be behind the camera., with a friend modelling to do another shoot.
Underneath the jacket I have on a thrifted cream cardigan and belt.

I found out a few hours ago about the death of Alexander McQueen. I am so saddened, and I really wish his family peace and a lack of intrusion in this time of grief. I thought his designs were truly amazing.. One of my favourite collections of his was the a/w 08/09- all those beautiful gowns and the elaborate set. His ideas were always innovative and I'm sure the fashion world, among many others will miss him greatly.

Edit: I will be away until monday now, I'll enjoy catching up when I get back!

Blue Roses/ Golden Light Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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