Thursday, 28 January 2010

The Red Shoes

It is nearly the end of another week, and I have been waiting for a free moment to post these photos.

I went to an event called the Clothes Show back at the beginning of December, which has hundreds of clothes stalls and a fashion catwalk show. I trawled through loads of items before finding this coat. I first saw it in white for a higher price, before extracting this from a massive rail of clothes- I think it was the interesting text/ story print coupled with my love of literature that made me go for it. It is a piece from a sample sale- making it quite unique! I love the interesting shape of the coat, and the details such as the patterned buttons and a ladybird print lining. It was the only thing I bought there, and worth every penny.
Now one of the main features of the coat is the columns of writing. It talks of childhood memories, and a pair of special Red Shoes. So I had to wait to actually get a pair before shooting it! These vintage ones came up on Ebay, but I wasn't initially sure about them from the picture,so I didn't bid on them. However, three weeks later and they turned up in a package on our doorstep! They had been relisted, so mum bought them anyway. And guess who they fitted perfectly? A big thank you to mum! The only trouble is, I'm not allowed to stomp around the house in them as the heels are steel tipped- denting our floors would not make me popular.
The red gloves are thrifted, and the little black dress underneath is from my fruitful Bristol charity shop-athon I had at the end of the christmas holidays.
The photos were taken while on a nearby walk in an area of outstanding natural beauty, and it was the perfect day.

I have recieved quite a few more blog awards recently, so a big thank you to the Trendy Fashionista and Sofie Marie for those. If there was anyone else who did too then please tell me as I am keen to acknowledge you.
I have been spending the week doing some designs based on the Red Shoes (the film) and learning a five hundred word french essay! So it's been nice to have some relaxing time to do a post- I really enjoy doing them.
Oh, and recently I gained my five hundreth follower... Thank you so very much to all of you who have taken the time to look at my blog, or comment on it. It realy means a lot to me, and I can't believe I only started it in June!

On a final note, isn't this picture that Cecile of did for me just wonderful? I really love her attention for detail and the way she captured my face- so a huge thank you to her, she is clearly very talented as the rest of her blog shows.

The Red Shoes Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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