Saturday, 23 January 2010

Queen of all she surveys

About two weeks ago, my gorgeous friend Emma agreed to be photographed and styled by me. (Sometimes impromptu phonecalls the night before can be very productive!)
I decided that all the clothes I put Emma in had to compliment her amazing hair,and after flicking through an old Tatler shoot (full of models in a lush green forest), I suddenly had an idea. "Queen of all she surveys." Countryside royalty, ruler of the forest and field. And what better to dress her in than the rich colours of green and gold?
Emma was a great model, so willing to do some pretty crazy things- as the last photo illustrates! It was really cold, but she still obligingly posed in sleeveless dresses with nearly bare legs. So a very big thanks to you Emma!
I love to style other people, it is such fun! And it's also nice to work out what will suit others, compared to oneself.

The first outfit is comprised of a black bodycon dress that used to be my mum's, a mens big green shirt (one of my dads old ones) and my great-granny's shoes. (We think they are thirties.) The necklaces are various vintage ones, from relatives, markets or thrifted. The belt is from a charity shop. The little gold shrug top used to sit in my dressing up box, before being relocated to my wardrobe!

The second outfit is probably one of my favourites (and so are the shots!) The green dress is one my mum bought off ebay a few months ago, and I've been really looking forward to showcasing it. The cloak is one of two that used to be owned by my maternal grandma. (See the post with me in the other cape for the full story on how my grandmother would wear it with bare feet in winter!)  The leather belt is thrifted, and so are the ankle boots. You can tell that Emma is a ballet dancer in these shots, as her natural grace is apparent! I especially love the one taken of her lying on tree, I wanted a kind of Titania-esque image.

The third outfit, well, let me begin with those boots! Emma has size three feet, I have size seven and a half! So you can imagine styling her in my shoes was a bit of a problem. Luckily, I have kept these amazing seventies boots ever since I grew out of them, as a kind of ornament in the corner of my shoe display. I'd never be able to part with them. But guess who fitted into the leather beauties perfectly? And they do look fabulous on her. The shift dress is a vintage piece, I think of Indian origin, purchased from a vintage shop by my mum in the nineties. You may recognize the location from my leather coat post. It is a spot about 5 minutes walk from where I live, and seems to be stunning in every season.

We trekked to some fir trees for the fourth outfit. (Also seen in the Narnia post- yes, quite a few of these locations have been reused!) The green shift dress is from Beyond Retro in London, but is now nearly too small for me. It was quite short so I added a white underskirt from my dressing up box. The cardigan is one of my favourites, from a charity shop. The silk scarf was inherited, and it is those gorgeous boots again! On a whim, I asked if she would mind lying down on some snow covered branches, expecting a refusal. But she immediately did, and I snapped her as soon as I could so she could get up again. Unfortunately it is smaller than the others as otherwise blogger cuts off part of the image. I really like how her hair contrasts with the boots in the last few shots, because of that last burst of dying light.

I thoroughly enjoyed the shoot, as I relish any chance to jump behind the camera! I would love to hear your feedback.
All images copyrighted to me.

I've really appreciated all the thoughtful comments recently, they have been wonderful! So thanks for that, and have a great week.

Queen of all she surveys Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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