Sunday, 17 January 2010

Coat notes

Yay! The snow has gone! Oops, I've just realised this is the third post in a row beginning with an update about the snow- sorry if I'm starting to sound like a weather reporter. Well, I am British! As the world knows, we do seem to be obsessed with the conditions outside. One of my favourite newspaper columnists said it should have been nicknamed 'snowmageddon.' Before it we were all complaining that there wasn't any and and the minute we had it everyone tutted that it was dangerous and stopped traffic, then worried about the dwindling grit supplies. I'm sure the snow-experienced Alaskans, Canadians and Scandinavians are laughing at our collective snow related ineptitude.
We did these photos early in the new year immediately after a trip to Bristol to stay with friends. They were taken on a local walk in and around fields in my home village.
The trip to Bristol played quite a big part in the making up of this outfit. On the Saturday that were leaving to go home, we had time to peruse a few charity shops (my favourite activity in cities!), two of which had half price sales on!
The first of three we visited was a specialist one where every item looked handpicked. We originally walked past it, assuming it was some boutique. So there I was inside, dithering while holding a furry hat (seen in last post) and a Jaeger tank top in one hand and a red jumper with knitted detail in the other when I spotted this silk dress. I originally picked it up to show to my mum, thinking she might like it. She looked at it and said 'too mumsy' before holding it up against me. The big size made it look like a perfect shift dress- something I was actually looking for! And as you know, I have a slight (make that huge!) obsession with silk. Plus the fact that the pattern looks like lots of book spines makes it a winner all round. However I knew I couldn't get it along with the other items and started debating which thing to put back, when my mum's friend swooped in like a modern day fairy tale godmother and offered to buy it for me! So thank you Charlotte.
The leather coat was also bought on that day, in the final charity shop. Another armful of clothes, another chance spotting, something like this:

Me: Mum can we- Oooh! Have you seen this leather coat? It's gorgeous.
Picks up leather coat and looks at label
Me: It's Nordstrom! Oh, but it's £50, never mind.
Mum: Half price sale..
Cue another round of 'Ooohs'

Before you could say empty purse I was at the till spending the remainder of my christmas money on it. Well at least the moeny is all going to a good cause! I literally love everything about this coat- The cut, the detail on the shoulders, and its durability. Coats like this are going to be ones I wear for years. And it fits exactly. The colour really reminds me of the last Bottega Veneta collection with those opulent jewel-like and earthy palettes.
The leather belt has been featured on this blog quite a few times and so has the leaf necklace. The brown Chelsea boots are ones my mum found in a charity shop, but they were too big for her. Ooh what a shame...
The gold bracelets are cuff suspenders for pushing up the sleeves on men's shirts. The amber ring was my maternal grandma's.

Now I want to say a huge thank you to Style Artisan and Valncami for giving me blog awards. You are wonderful people!  Also to the various individuals who featured me on their blogs recently, I really appreciate it!
Both Jennifer of and Lauren of wrote really lovely things. Both of them also sell the most amazing vintage pieces- I'll be checking out those Etsy shops very soon!

Finally, My heart really goes out to all those who have been affected by the Haiti earthquake. I'm donating some money for the relief fund tomorrow...

Right, now I'm off to do some last minute revision for my exams this week. (If I seem unresponsive over the next week or so, then this is the reason why! Apologies in advance.) Wish me luck and have a great week.

Coat notes Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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