We are still surrounded by snow here, and frankly the game of 'How-many-layers-can-I-fit-under-this-Betty-Jackson-jacket' is getting a bit tiresome. I am someone who dislikes having to dress out of a necessity to be warm. On the other hand, snow does make a rather attractive background for a shoot, especially when the theme is Narnia. There is a plantation of fir trees literally just up the road from us, and after a trudge past them to go sledging earlier that day the idea occured. I love the thought of a fantasical land in the back of a wardrobe, behind lots of warm furs (or faux furs here.) The outfit had to be quite WW2 forties-esque. I was kind of thinking of Susan in particular from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
The faux fur jacket is one I found in a charity shop for £6.95. This is a fantastic price for something that is both beautiful and actually really rather warm. The greeny-brown jumper underneath is.. wait for it.. vintage thrifted Jaeger! Yes, the obsession really does continue massively. The green skirt is one my Mum bought last weekend in that very predictable place- the charity shop. I love the texture of the wool. The white beret was my maternal great grandmother's- the one with the amazing hat collection! Twelve of the best hats from her are currently residing on two cork boards on my wall. The brown lace-ups used to be my mum's from the nineties but I 'borrowed' them and now wear them all the time. They've already appeared twice on this blog. The brown leather suitcase is one of a small collection we own that have come from various places. This one usually holds model tanks that my grand-dad made during the second world war (it used to be his.) Quite fitting really! The scarf tied to the handle is from the aforementioned great grandmother. The belt is recently thrifted. Actually, apart from the socks and tights, every item here is either charity shopped or family inherited! This is so typical of my style. I was thinking, the blog should probably be renamed something like 'pennies and shoestrings' or 'Roz's thrifted/ family hoarded finds'!
Thanks again to Dad for being dragged out for the usual half hour of photography. The last rays of extraordinary wintery light persuaded him outside...
I was so honoured to be featured on Judy's blog Atlantis Home yesterday, along with some sketches I did for her. I really appreciated it and am bowled over that she chose to do this, so a massive thank you to Judy! I've posted one of the four sketches below, to see the others take a look at her blog.
I am also trying to set up a bloglovin' account, I'll let you know about that in more detail soon.
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