Monday, 7 December 2009

Den Making on a Sunday Afternoon

Do you remember those glorious days when you were little, when the whole day could centre around the cardboard box your fridge came in? You could turn it into a den, or even in my case on one sunny afternoon, an outdoor puppet theatre completely decorated and painted.
So that was the thought behind this shoot. I wanted a nostalgiac feeling, the den making and playfulness of a rainy day. This box has been sitting in our conservatory for about month- it's the one that the blue egg chair came in (see 'feeling the blues'). I have to admit, it was filled with gadgety things, cushions and blankets until this afternoon, as my little brother had commandeered it immediately on arrival for his very own hide-out.
The images are divided into three parts. In a den, you often play 'house', so we set up some of the figures from the doll's house I had when I was little. Also, I always read in my dens. So lots of classic books for me! And very aptly, we have a rather large collection of different editions of Alice in Wonderland. To finish, no den is a proper den without some food and feasting!
The skirt I am wearing here was bought by my mum at a jumble sale when she was eighteen. How I wish there were still jumble sales that would yield such treasures now. There is a close up of the beautiful fabric at the end because I love taffeta.
The shoes were found in a charity shop (where else?) in their original box, I think made in Italy. And again a close up to show them in detail.The cardigan is my mum's and the belt is a vintage family one. The long socks are from H&M and the vintage watch is one I got from a flea market.
So what were your favourite childhood games or activities? I'd love to know...

Edit: I'm really sorry if your comment hasn't show up, it seems to be taking a while for some to be published. Apologies for technical problems.

Den Making on a Sunday Afternoon Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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