Tuesday, 3 November 2009

The North Wind Doth Blow

I'd like to start off this post by saying a big thank you to everyone who gave me feedback on my last blog post. I personally didn't want to cut down on the amount of writing, but wanted to check that I wasn't boring all of you as I waffled on.
I was going to wait another day, but I couldn't wait to post these photos. These were taken by my dad on the last day of my half term holidays (I'm now back at school, contemplating my art homework while writing this.) We drove up to the hill above my village to shoot this, and we were immediately greeted with a downpour- typical rural living. But then the sun came out.
So, we rushed out to try to take photos before another wandering rainstorm hit us. It was so windy that I was literally clutching my hat to make sure it didn't take flight into a nearby field!
The dress here is actually a tartan skirt that I rescued from being thrown out, because I really liked the fabric and thought I might turn into a bag or something else suitably creative. However, I noticed that if I hoiked it up and added a belt then it made a rather lovely dress. I put it over a vintage shirt that my mum had in our dressing up box (she used to be a drama teacher- lots of dressing up things around the house!)
The leather jacket is an Escada one found in a charity shop- the leather is the softest imaginable. It's now known as my 'photography jacket'- and I plan to wear it out whenever I'm a-wandering with my new camera.
The boots are vintage ones bought by my mum in the nineties, the belt a student purchase of hers. Both hats were recent charity shop finds and the brown bag was my great-granny's. The woollen scarf was also one of great-granny's and I think the leaf necklace is a family hand-me-down item.
I'm really pleased with the new blogger posting template, meaning I can make the photos a lot bigger.
I have an interesting debate lined up for the next post, I'll be looking forward to hearing more opinions.

Edit- One of the photos didn's show up, so I've added it in now!

The North Wind Doth Blow Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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