Monday, 16 November 2009

Monochrome Shadow Puppet

This is the final part of the photos from the shoot collaboration with the fantastic Flo. (As some of you may have remembered from previous posts, her blog is - do have a look. I love flo's photography, and I expect to see her go far with it.)
These were actually the first images of the day to be taken, and our whole idea was to focus on the lighting and use of shadows against a plain background.
I brought along some peacock feathers as props. They were all shed by several peacocks who live (and make a lot of noise) in a nearby arboretum, and were then collected by us, rather like finding treasure.
The white lace bodice was my great-grandma's. There is a black lace one to match, but unfortunately that one is much too big for me. I love the shape of this piece- my great-grandma made it when she was young. It was then worn by my mum when she was in her twenties, then appropriated by me. (Gosh! Never heard that story before! Me? Borrowing things from my mum? How unusual..)
The black skinny jeans were flo's, and so were the gold sparkly braces. The black lace up shoes (my new favourites) were found by my mum in…ooh. Guess? No,could it be - a charity shop? So thanks mum! Both the necklaces and the bow tie (customising the top in the first photo) and the vintage trilby are also all mine.
This is definitely a bit different to my usual style, but worked really well for these photos.
Now I want to give a massive thank you to all the interesting people who commented on my 'size debate' post. I always love hearing so many different views too. I've noticed that the debate posts seem to be pretty popular, so what would your view be on maybe a more regular debate?

I am currently feeling pretty ill, although a lot of it is probably my own fault- I had an incredibly busy weekend that finished with me writing an analysis of a breathtaking play I saw called 'The Idiot Colony', so I was up until very late on sunday night. Other activities included a textiles workshop with an amazing duo whose company is called 'Pretty Rubbish'- they specialise in recycled and vintage textiles. See their inspiring designs at I customised a t-shirt that I'll showcase on here at some point...

I'm now off to go and feel sorry for myself, don't forget to give me your opinion on your ideas about regular debates.

Monochrome Shadow Puppet Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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