Sunday, 29 November 2009

Feeling the Blues

Hello to all you lovely people.
Another huge thanks is in order to those very nice individuals who commented on my latest drawings- it was great to hear all your opinions. Thank you.
I know I already ranted about this in the last post, but the British weather system shows no sign of letting up on the miserable rain. So outfit shoots have had to be moved inside momentarily. Which in this case is a good thing as I have been meaning to do some images with this chair ever since we got it.
I have something of a fascination with the sixties (both interior design and clothing wise) so I pretty much love this chair. Obviously its not an original, but as modern ones go it's pretty good.
I knew there had to be a whole sixties theme to this particular sequence, so it was out with the minidress and false eyelashes...
The kaleidoscopic print dress was another vintage purchase in Edinburgh over the summer. This particular piece was found in a specialist vintage charity shop in Grassmarket- my favourite kind! The crocheted cardigan used to be my mum's. I have a feeling it was probably a charity shop buy too. The shoes were spotted by me in a charity shop. I love the fact that they combine the pattern of brogues with a typical 'granny shoe' shape. The white necklace is a vintage family hand-me-down. (surprise surprise!)
My hair is also straightened here, (for a more sixties-ish look) which is pretty unusual as I'm more of a 'brush-hair-and-go' kind of person, but hey, change is good.
Talking of the sixties, I watched 'My Fair Lady' this week. I know it's not set in the sixties, but that's when it was made. I think all the costumes designed by Cecil Beaton are supremely stunning. There is one scene at Ascot where they are about 300 people in black and white outfits- extraordinary! I always love Audrey Hepburn's films.
So this got me thinking. What are your favourite classic films? Is it Audrey Hepburn? Marylin Monroe? Or maybe Grace Kelly? I would love to hear your thoughts- especially as I am trying to widen my knowledge of classic films at the moment.
It's once again Sunday night and the week ahead is looming. So I bid you all adieu and good night.

Feeling the Blues Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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