Sunday, 30 August 2009

Through a mirror brightly: Andrew Logan

Could you get a more "Alice through the Looking Glass" type shot? Was so happy with this particular self portrait..

I accessorised my white dress and jewellery with my thrifted glittery leggings, and some Betty Jackson silver shoes. (£2.50 in a charity shop!)

Me 'modeling' the jewellery in the museum. I love the way the light caught my lips and the head-dress.

Me and my mum outside..

Mum looks up to Zandra Rhodes!

The Big Bracelet group. I really wanted one... But of course, I had my horse.

Two gorgeous brooches..

What an amazing couple! I love the way they added their own surreal characters to the outfits.

There was another person who had the other half of the horse necklace! It was actually a barbie horse cut in half.

This afternoon has been one of the most glittery times I've ever had! I mentioned visiting the Andrew Logan museum a couple of posts ago, but what I didn't talk about was the exciting event happening today.
Once a year, Andrew Logan himself holds a jewellery showcasing event in his museum in Berriew. (Wales.) Today was the day! And out of sheer good fortune (happening to overhear a conversation at the museum last week about a need for extra people to model), both me and my mum found ourselves appearing in his show, alongside a whole host of other lovely people from both near and far. And doesn't my mum look great in the green dress? (:
Each of our costumes was handpicked by the great artist himself. Mine is pictured, my favourite part being the 60's style sunglasses! The horse 'necklace' was pretty wild too and carries a price tag of £2000... Actually, considering all the jewellery I was wearing, it was all probably worth about £4000 in total. I was so nervous about tripping over or bashing into anything inadvertantly.
But what an amazing experience. Getting to meet him, wearing such fabulous things and parading them in front of lots of people. Such a privilege. And I have to say, I could seriously get used to the whole glittery lips thing!
At the end of the show I really didn't want to take off the beautiful things. Going to this museum makes you feel like you want to live your life full of glitter and pretty things. Walking in through the door just makes you happy, so imagine how good it is to actually wear his jewellery. He also seems really generous spirited himself, as its the only museum I know of that lets you take photos. (Lucky, as otherwise I'd have no actual post here!) But its also really inspiring. Last time I created an Andrew Logan inspired bangle,so who knows what'll happen this time? I'm already plotting my latest creative endeavour.
So now, here I am sitting in my oversized cat in the hat t-shirt, exhausted but euphoric. Glitter traces on my cheeks are all that remains of the wonderful afternoon now. And I think its time to turn off my computer, so this is it for now! Hope you enjoy...
All jewellery and costume copyrighted to Andrew Logan.

Through a mirror brightly: Andrew Logan Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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