Saturday, 22 August 2009

The early scent of Blossom (plus blog awards)

Hi everyone. Sorry for the delay in posts in the past few days. Yesterday I was hiking up hills with my dad and brother, where we got lost and had to scramble up a nearly verticle slope. But still a lot of fun! The only trouble with running down most of this particular hill was that I now have really stiff legs.

Then today I went to the really amazing Andrew Logan museum. I've been visiting this place since I was about 5, and have been looking forward to going all summer. If you're ever in the shropshire area, I recommend it! It's filled with some of his most amazing works, including the "cosmic egg", "the lulu fountain" and "Raja Zandra" (a sculpture of the designer Zandra Rhodes.)But anyway, on to today's pictures!

I was lucky enough back in february to be asked to do my first ever test shoot: these photos were then later used in SO-EN -a japanese magazine. The clothes were chosen by stylist Nao Koyabu- all totally delightful pieces by contemporary designers, but with a vintage feel to them. It was great to be asked to do the shoot with no make-up and just washed hair- all very natural and fresh.
The first photo shows a cover mock-up (not actually used in the end) and has the most amazing head-dress against the early blossom. I loved the fish swimming towards the sky, with the net-like the fishing net- covering my face. Very whimsical.
The second picture feels like it could have been pulled straight out of the seventies. I was wearing this amazing floral skirt, and a huge vintage necklace made of tassels (unfortunately not very visible in this image) and little gold rimmed glasses. Lovely.
The gold dress was fabulous, cut beautifully to fall in folds at the front.
The black flower head dress also really appealed to my sense of the surreal- it was shaped and molded of black acrylic.
The blue jacket fitted like a silk slipper and I loved the little pill box hat- which was sort of rigid hexagonal shape.
Photographer: Aya Sekine.
Copyright: Aya Sekine and SO-EN magazine
Thanks to Select Model Management.

Now onto the blog awards! Hmm.. this might be a rather long post. Sorry! :)
First up, thankyou to both the lovely LeProust Vintage and wonderful Buttons and Ribbons for giving me the lemonade stand award! You just have to tag other people.

I'm going to pass it on to-

Now for the other award.
Thanks to Kate of teenage caffeine addict for tagging me with this award. This award requires the blogger to list 7 interesting things about themselves and then pass the award on to 7 other 'kreativ bloggers'.

1) I played the piano for five years and then gave up. I really regret thisand would love to be able to still play.
2) I would love to be a fashion designer when I'm older and am constantly sketching out ideas.
3) But if I couldn't be fashion designer I'd love to work in psychology
4)I'm just about to start doing my GCSEs. I chose RE, French, Art, History and Drama.
5)I'm slowly starting to learn to make my own clothes, with the aid of vintage 50s patterns.
6) My favourite bands at the moment are Marina and the Diamonds, The Clash, Emmy the Great, AnnieLennox, Polly Scattergood and David Bowie.
7) I love reading all the comments I get. They make me smile.
Now for who I'm giving them too!
Phew, thanks to anyone who took the to read all of this!

The early scent of Blossom (plus blog awards) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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