The shirt here is another purchase from Beyond Retro (not that I'm obsessed in any way with that shop..). I love the boots too. I was so lucky to find these. I got them in topshop for £20 in a sale, they go for so much on ebay now! And I couldn't live without skinny jeans. I know half the population might be wearing them, but they're the only type of jeans that suit me. But I do have trouble finding them,as I have ratherlong but also skinnylegs. H&M seems to be the only reliable place.. If anyone knows anywhere else that does long skinny jeans,I would really appreciate it if you could tell me in a comment..
I was lucky to have these photos taken by a friend (flo),who is an amazing photographer! Most of the pictures on here will have been taken by her..
Grey top-Beyond Retro
Hair piece-Accessorize
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